
Excited for the show. I think there has been enough time since Enterprise to do a proper Star Trek show. Exploration, diplomacy, pure science fiction. I hope it isn't an artificially gritty version of the show, like the original BG to the updated version.

Boring games is boring. I've never finished the first disk because it just gets so bogged down and uninteresting. I've read the story over and over again, and that satisfies me without having to slog through the combat.

I really loved how Steven, at 14, would be pushed so far to admit that he just wanted his Dad back. It's something that makes him seem younger and more vulnerable before he and the Gems go into a dangerous situation.

A real shame, though I'm not surprised. I didn't think Capaldi, with his pedigree, would sit still in the role for that long. I don't think any actor will come close to Tom Baker's seven years. But that at least provides the show some freshness, along with Chibnall coming in.

Yesterday, the phrase was "habeas corpus". Today, the phrase is "tone deaf".

Oh thank you, great Q!

I'd put Dick Van Dyke up there too.

Why bother going after Barron when Eric and Don Jr. both look like the heirs to American Psycho? There's plenty of fodder there. Let Barron grow a little into a complete awkward teenager before going after him.

I feel kind of sad for the audiences who watch these movies, thinking that they are seeing something profound, when it's really horrible.


I think it could have been a separate sketch, and WU filled with more topical jokes.

It was flawed, but still a good series to watch. It's a shame Yancey Butler had a lot of personal problems after the show was cancelled, because she was great in the role.

The New Terminator Apprentice.

It's not Trump, it's political conservatives at large who want to shrink the government no matter what important services are lost. These groups have been on the chopping block for decades. With a Republican government from top to bottom, they can finally do it, public outcry be damned.

It's going to be terrible because someone on the Internet told me so.

Will we still be laughing so hard (or not so hard) when all the real material on Trump comes out over the next year or two? The prognostications that he won't last his full term seem more likely by the moment.

I don't hate him, but he replaced one of my favorite people in Craig Ferguson. Everyone is scum after the man who brought in a gay robot skeleton and a pantomime horse as sidekicks.

I would have loved to see the Maze of Death that's in the book, but those crazy Hollywood budgets…

I'll just play Ballroom Blitz a few times.

I't s a good thing Stilgar will be around Twin Peaks to take care of things.