
Temba, his arms full of presents.

If only the Book of Mormon…

It was easy to get past the technical issues because of how fun it was, and how good many of the performances were. I've never been a fan of Arianna Grande, but she did a decent job. I enjoyed the dancing a lot more than the singing, but that's just what I like.

When one has as much presence on social media as she does (her videos were widely shared in my feed before I abandoned FB post election), it become necessary to put that person on display and engage them, in the hopes that they can be mollified or neutralized. Social media is so virulent these days that it cannot be

If a comic book is what it takes to do the sequel justice, then so be it. I'll buy.

2016 has been brutal for this sort of thing. RIP Shephard.

I spent $15 on a ticket to see this (by myself on a Monday night) not really knowing what to expect. I hadn't seen the trailer, but having been a Doctor Who fan for 30 years, I knew about the idiocy of the BBC in destroying so many episodes.

Two secret ingredients: smoked paprika and brown sugar. The former for depth of flavor and the latter to cancel out a little bit of the heat I put in from chilies and red pepper flakes. I prefer to eat it straight up, without sour cream or cheese.

Probably in my top five favorite shows period, animated or not. I think Write Where It Hurts is at the top for me. Anything where Helen gets broken down. :)

I still want a Buck Bokai trading card.

Another one of the great voices that I loved to listen to gone. RIP.

More exposure to the gem that is Daria is welcome, even if it is late. A one-off special with Daria in college, or as an adult would be awesome.

Both excellent choices, but so are the other guest stars added for the group's parents, and most of them are wasted to poor plotting and scripting, at least in recent seasons. I hope better material is given to these two, especially Jack McBrayer. He's the best part of Forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Agreed. Some of the finest science fiction out there. Period.

The '93 Phillies were a crazy bunch. I'm not sure if they were really into the hard stuff, but alcohol and partying, lots of that.

Only if the mutton is nice and lean.

As long as the fans aren't making episodes of Star Trek of the same quality…

Set Adrift into the heavens. Keep singing up there.

Gina Torres period.

Remake of Last Crusade with Ford trying his best at a Sean Connery accent. Discount Shia Lebouf (some unknown, spunky, young man) listens with a wry smile, then proceeds to listen to rock music and goof off.