
And how many times have we seen Homer Simpson ruin his children's lives only to redeem himself? That trope has been done so many times over the course of close to three decades.

Heart Frank Langella. Plus, the nerd in me needs to acknowledge that even with all his amazing work the last few years, he did three episodes on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. That's a diverse resume.

But do it in the pail so you don't ruin your marriage.

This show is so good with the honest feels. Few things ever seem forced or preachy.

It's not to the level of despise, but I don't really have any appreciate or understanding for the love of Final Fantasy VII. It's considered a landmark in the RPG genre (on consoles at least), a very good story and a good playable game. I'm utterly bored every time I sit down with it and have never finished the story.

The feels. The feels.

Bloodborne/Souls games. I'm just not skilled enough to play them well, but I can appreciate the quality of the game and the skill of the people who play it.

I'm guessing the BBC is in the "if it isn't broke, let's not fix it". They much think the number will fall off if they try any other dynamic. I would have preferred a young, non-white male in the role, but perhaps that will happen the next time around with Doctor 13.

*cue obnoxious griping until the next series airs* This would happen regardless of who was chosen, male, female, white, non-white, old, young.

Yes, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Yes, everyone is entitled to post things on social media. Yes, companies are perfectly within their rights to fire arrogant, prejudiced asshats who don't seem to learn their lesson and don't do a good job at analyzing the sport they were good at.

Popular shows, especially well written ones, tend to peter out after season 7. I was just getting some M*A*S*H nostalgia on today and it was the same thing. There's only so many stories that can be done and done well.

Despite the problems with the Summons, some of the slow sections of the game (especially the flash backs) and some awful backgrounds, I still love the game.

Looks more interesting than TFA. And man did they find an actress that could double for the original Mon Mothma.

Because Fox News needs more fuel to the uneducated, angry White fire?

True, but after so many years of the same thing, he hasn't developed any personal skills.

The same problem has existed since the beginning of the show. Raj not being able to speak to women played for a few laughs early on, but then it became pathetic and sad. Having hime be able to open up and talk to women should have meant some decent character growth, the kind that many of the other characters have had.

That was the best part of the whole thing, all of them coming together on a scientific idea. I've been waiting for that for years. I don't consider the math app they created truly scientific.

Not a week after I complain about a lack of character development for someone other than Sheldon, we finally get. Adding a baby to the mix is usually bad news for a sitcom, but it's already likely we're in the second-to-last season, so not much harm can really be done.

Since most of the characters have all their significant character development arcs finished, it does come down how Sheldon react to things and how his character develops.

How more white-washed and plastic can TV get? It looks like this sitcom has gotten the Disney TV treatment.