You are completely ignoring the fact that George Lucas was a co showrunner for The Clone Wars and nothing Dave did was done without George’s approval.
You are completely ignoring the fact that George Lucas was a co showrunner for The Clone Wars and nothing Dave did was done without George’s approval.
Yeah these aren’t good predictions because they’re based on the foundation that Nintendo treats their devices like standard consoles but Nintendo sees them as toys so they don’t want to sell them above $300.
To me this hints that Captain Carter will now be apart of Loki’s plan to ultimately stop Kang.
Considering his best work has been adaptations I do wish he back to doing adaptations. His original stories has been pretty generic.
Technically it always had ads it was just focused on Amazon Video ads so as long as these new ads just replace the Amazon Video ads then it really won’t be that bothersome.
It’s just a idea from people either outright ignoring the story Marvel is telling or from people who never read Hickmen’s Secret Wars run and don’t understand what’s going on.
America was never a isolationist country. Yes the size of the country took up a lot of the attention that it would make it seem like America were isolationists but they did more then enough pushing to open up trade routes, colonization’s, and invasions to disprove they were isolationists before WW2.
That’s the second time the Emperor came back so other than not properly setting it up there’s no reason to be upset about it.
They didn’t shoehorn anything this writer is taking easter eggs and turning them into deep story beats.
During the summary of what happened over the past 10 years between season one thing caught my attention and the was Canada didn’t join the M7. While I can come up with different theories for why China didn’t I can’t think of any for Canada because they would have joined just to ensure they could maintain some sort of p…
During the summary of what happened over the past 10 years between seasons, one thing caught my attention and that was Canada didn’t join the M7. While I can come up with different theories for why China didn’t join I can’t think of any for Canada because they would have joined just to ensure they could maintain some…
Steam does it easily when you buy the game you just select the option for gift and then they ask for the email or steam id you want to send the game to.
No one acknowledged your existence to call you a hater so why do you feel the need to label yourself a hater?
Currently what Loki did does not stop the multiversal war loop that creates He Who Remains so he’ll be the solution for Secret Wars but they could use season 3 to explain that solution in more detail.
He pulled a Doctor Strange Infinity War move where his then what is going to be to find the people he’ll need to end the multiversal war loop by putting an end to incursions.
It’ll be X-men vs Avengers in Kang Dynasty and the Fantastic Four will most likely be about them investigating incursions destroying the multiverse.
They’re setting up the X-men vs Avengers fight in Kang Dynasty to be the last surviving universe as incursions destroy every single universe that would then lead to the creation of Battle World in Secret Wars.
It pretty obvious there will be no dedicated X-men movie until after the MCU soft reboots with Secret Wars. They’re not going to use the excuse that the X-men have been here this whole time so they’re going to remake the MCU to be a comic accurate version of the 616 universe.
Yeah the lowered it to 20% and I think it was 15% or something.
Valve announced the first scaling split before EGS but then made the split better after EGS.