
Yeah, I always liked the Master System’s design. It looks very much like 80s future tech, the sort of props you’d see in Blade Runner or Back to the Future or Robocop’s idea of the future. Especially the hilariously nonsensical connection diagram on it.

Just some clarification here, the Master System II is the exact same system as the I (minus the removal of the Sega/My Card slot, A/V out, reset button and ext port), and was released AFTER the launch of the Genesis as a low cost alternative (so it was basically a PSOne). There was a precursor to the Mark III (Master

Lets take this statement to it’s extreme end: Hilter is cool cause he’s dead. Lets not talk about how bad the holocaust was.

Yeah, I dig the concept, but making it NES only is a huge misjudge. If I could get my Virtua Cop 1&2 (Saturn), House of the Dead (Dreamcast) and/or compatibility with a modern system to enable XBL Arcade/PSN Arcade titles, I’d be very on board. As is, pass.

Not even Sir Patrick can unwind the intense loathing those endless obnoxious Verizon commercials have generated in me for Middlebitch. 

She’s the first person in politics I feel legitimately invested in in a very long time, perhaps ever (not counting historic greats before my time). Do I agree with her about everything? Oh no, not at all. But you nailed in a nutshell how I feel. 

Does the game license music from the movies at all? A lot of times that tends to be where the hang up is, that’s what’s gonna doom GTA. 

At this point I think the best (of bad) options would be to offer him a full pardon for everything, conditional to him resigning the office of POTUS immediately. 

I’m less bothered by the mechanics and more bothered by the... output.

There’s definitely orange involved, in any case. 

Not gonna lie, taking a trailer-less 700hp Volvo FH16 up to 160kph+ is pretty fun

Haha I can empathize (that is impressive though!), because it took me a long time to figure out how to make it stop happening “randomly”, i didn’t realize it was my lack of reacting and not pushing a button that made it roll thru the next round as a lot of times i’d be pressing C or something during the attack

That woman is the definition of “Get me the manager”. 

On the kink issue, i once dated a girl who was into some (fairly tame) BDSM stuff. Did nothing at all for me, but she REALLY got into it. And I found myself enjoying it because SHE was enjoying it, and she reciprocated in other ways, so I guess my point here is communication and wanting to make your partner happy is

Yeah, that’s exactly how the last floor is laid out, one giant looping square. I’d like to think I’d have figured that out on my own eventually out of the same “there has to be SOMETHING here” frustration

Yeah, that’s the one. Works for armor too, though the sword one you can activate SUPER early if you grind for a bit of cash, as there’s a cursed dark sword in a chest in a dead end on the world map relatively near the 2nd town. If you do both of them you one hit kill and take 1 hp damage from absolutely everything,

To get to Dark Falz in the final dungeon you have to find an “invisible” door. Through the whole game all doors are at the end of a hallway, so you can see them coming. Falz’s is literally just stashed in a corridor sidewall so you have to turn and look directly at it to see it. It’s kinda BS thought the game does

There is a list of rings, but it’s pretty buried in the menus. It’s been quite a few years since I’ve played it but I want to say it’s hidden under your status, maybe? I know it’s in a weird place. I learned long ago you’re better off ignoring the 3d maze and just driving the little sprite around your automapper. 

Yeah I don’t much know if it was smarts (but thanks!) as persistence. I completely fell in love with the idea of the game right from the jump, and I’ve always been the type to just hack away/obsess at something til I figured it out if it’s something I’m interested in, something my mom encouraged with that game strongly

Oh yeah, that’s exactly what I meant about the asshole DM leaving you all the clues to figure out being somewhat hampered by the clunky translation. I’m not sure I’d have ever pieced the hidden door together because the prisoner in the sub-basement telling you “there’s a way out”, my kid mind translated to “yeah, duh,