White privilege
White privilege
If she’s being abused, you can be sure they’ll love her.
One of my E3 highlights was when Ubisoft showed more of South Park: The Fractured But Whole, the ridiculously titled…
Dial it back a bit, Gandalf.
I would say that prisons should replace solitary confinement with a program that forces inmates to repeatedly enter…
How were they going to top blowjob giraffe anyway...
I found it interesting in two rapid fire Gwent articles from Schreier and Hamilton both admit to not really playing much Gwent during the Witcher 3 campaign. I wonder if that’s a function of being a games journalist. These guys have to cover so many different games, and usually on a deadline if that leads them to…
Definitely naming my next character Bilbo Potter.
I grew up and live in Oregon (where the game takes place) and I can confirm that absolutely no one talks like that. I thought the dialog was distractingly bad. Still loved the game though, one of the best of 2015.
You just watched the mind of Hideo Kojima finally off the leash of a major publisher.
Time to see if Konami holding him back was a good thing or not.
Boy, that sure sounds like a fun thing to buy right before they announce the more powerful Xbox One later this year.
Nope, we’re selling TAY to Nabisco.
Hmmm... I’m watching it, but I wish the characters were less sexualized. It could be even greater without the crazy sexiness. Otherwise, good. (I’m nearly 30, I was a teacher, and have no interest in being titillated by school kids - that’s just my taste)
My ‘cuddle’ alarm is my cat punching my dog in the face (who is usually in the bed already) It happens like clockwork at 7am every morning. Dog gets to go outside, I lay back in bed for 30 mins, and the cat gets to cuddle.
Goddamn, you are catching an inordinate amount of shit for this. I’ll admit, I was on the fence until that baby decided to go chapter and verse from the Manifesto; now, I’m mostly wondering just how weird the comments are going to get.
Your drunk baby is not wrong. I mean, he’s an intellectual elitist asshole, but he’s not wrong.
Is it possible that, maybe, sometimes, people criticize an aspect of a game and the developers simply go “oh yeah, that’s actually a good point” and change it? That maybe during development, they don’t hear from a diversity of voices, and may not see a problem until it’s pointed out to them by outsiders? I don’t think…
Not really, but a little skin doesn’t bother me.