Christian Swanson

Seems like you took her comment very much the wrong way.

Actually she’s meaning you failed in your studies, not your GF.

Here, here! I just always felt that the game pad felt natural for that game. Yea I wouldn't want to use one for say a total war game but I just couldn't get into Xoom 2 as much due to the lack of game pad support and the community made mods were lacking.

Not being able to use a gamepad is a big reason I didn’t finish this game. Once I’m able to I’ll go back and restart it.

a fellow pc hammer who uses a gamepad(Xbox control) like me? here i was thinking I was all alone

Out of curiosity, was Hillary asked if she was racist for trying to get in the way of the first Black president? I don’t remember that happening but I could have missed it. Has Hillary been asked if she is being anti-Semitic for standing in the way of the first Jewish president?

For real, though, that is an incredibly dumb question.

Are we sure this is not some sort of viral ad for Twin Peaks?

Since this is the The Slot, the obvious conclusion we are supposed to draw is that Hillary is A WONDERFUL PERFECT QUEEN GODDESS AND IF YOU DARE DISAGREE THEN YOU HATE ALL OF THE WOMEN WHO HAVE EVER BEEN OR EVER WILL BE! /s

Lolol talk about putting the cart before the horse.

EA earned every bit of that that “evil title” and “Worst Company in America” awards. They’ve done a pretty good 180 in recent years, but that rep was well-deserved.

I disagree with you about EA, but I’m really glad you responded to shut down someone nominally supporting you, but in the worst way. You’re good people.

I really haven’t looks a whole lot up on this game. But watching the few min of the video, holy crap it looks like a PS3 game. The second screen shot looks alright though. That’s a bum its not good i was waiting for the whole game to come out.

EA has a nasty habit of buying smaller companies and then driving them into the ground.

Why are you purposely leaving out the “tied up to be sexually punished” part of “in distress”?

Yeah, I think he means objectification not sexism, but his point is very valid. And it totally sucks to be objectified so Jon Snow, for once, you kinda know something maybe?

I’m not sure the best way to fight the patriarchy is to casually devalue the fact that it adversely affects men as well.

Get fucked Japanese technocrats