Christian Swanson

Yeah and hippies werent exactly the cleanest people and still arent.

You’re not a good person. Just thought you should know.

OK Boomer

This is a lot of words to say “You wrote a thing I thought was dumb.”

Because the principles Sanders fights for are also being fought in the Democratic primary by ______________

Try reading a book where the title doesn’t begin with “Killing...”?

Yes, I really like some roast donkey. One of the smoked meats I sell is donkey meat.

I read how they process their votes, “In the WFP’s ranked-choice voting system, the party’s national committee, which consists of 56 people, has equal weight with the party’s members and grassroots supporters, who number in the thousands.” (from the Salon article). 56 people =1000's in this voting system. Doesn’t seem

Sure, I have a question. Why are you so full of shit?

He is right though...

Sanders tweeted and spoke about the Amazon strike multiple times. If you can’t see this is a pitiful gotcha by a site that should know better than to wade into these waters, then I don’t know what to tell you.

This is like saying the Beatles are the most overrated band.  It doesn’t actually matter if you’re right or not, because you’re only saying it to pick a boring, tired fight anyway.  

Tales From the Borderlands is the only good thing that’s ever come out of this franchise.

Agreed, although I don’t see Sanders backing down on Medicare for all since that’s been one of his biggest issues. It’s too early to make a final decision, so I’m completely open to Warren and her message.

And I’ve grown tired of this attitude that we should just settle for any ole bitch, instead of looking for and working towards, and pushing being better. Perfection doesn’t exist. Every person who’s ever received commendations in their line of work will tell you that but that doesn’t mean they don’t get up and strive

I went from genuinely being disinterested her for being smarmy and pandering to now actively disliking her. Funny how someone’s former record can do that.

In 2015, a judge refused to indict a man facing life in prison after it was discovered that a California prosecutor had falsified the defendant’s confession. Harris appealed, arguing that falsifying the confession wasn’t necessarily prosecutorial misconduct.

I actually think all 4 of the Arkham games take place on one night if I am not mistaken. 

I’m actually just on my way back from banging your mom.

Rome? I thought it was more of an Albany style.