“Whatever, haters, you’re just mad because he’s on the Patriots!”
“Whatever, haters, you’re just mad because he’s on the Patriots!”
That dude killed two women and a child and spent an hour running around naked, trying to tackle and wrestle police officers, who absolutely refused to use their service weapons against him, and if watching that video doesn’t tell you 100% the difference between how the police treat black people and white people,…
Panarin ~was~ the highest profile Russian athlete to criticize Putin.
This is clearly Manny Machado’s fault.
Wow, look at those thugs.
I know a lot of people are going to take satisfaction and glee from this because of Marchand’s previous actions. But keep in mind.... just kidding, fuck that guy.
I actually believe St. Louis style wine is an unrefrigerated bottle of Sunny D.
Apparently you never bought your first real six string.
“Alpha males,” also know as “douche bags” in some regions.
I wish the clip wasn’t cut off, because 4 Leafs changed behind the play and allowed a ridiculously easy 3 on 1 shorthanded goal about 5 seconds after the end of this clip. Hilarious in their incompetence.
I have every faith in Leafs fans and our ability to prove that, somehow, this is proof that Gary Bettman has it in for us.
1) “Rag it” is indeed a hockey term.
We went to a class for our first one, and they went around the room asking each couple about their birth plan. Most of them were “We’re going to try to go natural” with a few “We’re using a midwife in home and going natural”.
I mean, you say your kids are cool, but are they so cool you want to fuck them?
He doesn’t owe us an explanation.
I know that you’re referring to his approach to his players however, I must respectively submit this as a counterpoint:
a) he started serving it last season
Canadian Holidays Ranked:
All blame should be directed at me. Sussman originally had “bonspiel” in the headline, but I replaced it with “tournament” because I wasn’t sure if readers would understand it, even with context clues. He is a true curler, and I am the bad, dumb non-curler.