Dr. What?

Why? If every car is announcing what it’s doing, it just makes the job of your car easier. It’s already trying to figure out with lasers etc. what every car is doing on the road. If those cars are all telling it what they are doing (and maybe even telling it what they are about to do) then the computer in your car can

The western gorilla is “Gorilla gorilla”. It’s not very uncommon.

Firstly, Obama-Romney was actually a pretty close race, but even though it was closer than the current race is right now, there was greater certainty in Obama’s chance of victory because there were FAR fewer undecided and 3rd party voters. Current polling is putting those two groups at double the numbers of the 2012

So basically the title and photo were complete clickbait since this had nothing at all to do with Mars, but hey! The Martian was popular and space is space so let’s do that!

Given the scale of distances, basically no extra time at all. Since it’s not braking, it will pass through the system at full speed, which means that it would be at most days between entering what you would call “the system” and the closest flyby of the planet, which would honestly probalby not be very close since

Be careful. They have a LOT of bribe money to spend on really expensive lawyers. And as everyone knows, the person who can afford the most expensive lawyers is the one who wins in our system.

If something as generic as #Rio2016 or #TeamUSA is able to be trademarked then there are serious, serious issues with our trademark system. The hashtag system is how people keep similar-type tweets organized. So if you want to tweet about the olympics (which should absolutely be protected free speech), then the only

I’m pretty sure 9/11 would still have happened, the resonse to it and subsequent fallout just would have been completely different.

POP science tends to completely change every few years. Actual academic scientific knowledge does not upend every few years, in almost any field. It gets refined constantly. I think it was a Richard Feinmen quote (although I could be wrong) that explained the principle: “We used to think the earth was flat, and we

It’s easy to say you believe in science when talking about climate change and evolution. Will she make such a strong stand about supporting GMOs and vaccines? Those are anti-science positions typically held by the left. The internet loves to bash conservatives for being climate skeptics and evolution deniars but

Yeah, but I don’t think it’s ok to throw away food that is slightly less fresh. That’s exactly the wasteful attidute that leads to thousands of tons of food being thrown away, with all the additional fossil fuel burning and fertilizer use that that entails.

It’s not “sub-optimal”,food and wasting food is a shitty thing regardless of whether or not it’s taking food from starving people. If you toss perfectly good food (and it is almost entirely perfectly good) then we are wasting resources (lots and lots of resources) growing food that we are just throwing away. That’s

Not everything has a date. Pretty much only packaged foods have a date. Fresh fruit and produce comes without a date for example. Most things have a date certainly, but not everything, and you still won’t find any lawsuits.

It is absolutely not about liability. It is two things: 1) some things, even if they won’t go bad by the date, might not be as fresh. They might be slightly stale or the flavors may be lest intense. This is the idea behind the “best by” dates, that the food is best, freshest, tastiest, whatever, before that date. The

This is the biggest reason I miss having a really good vegetable stand near my house. I used to have one within walking distance and I would go nearly every day and buy only what I was going to cook and eat that night. Now I have to buy almost exclusively frozen so that I don’t end up throwing out a ton of

Lot’s of shitty things happen. That doesn’t make them ok. We should be striving to minimize them as much as possible. So yeah, shit happens, but that doesn’t make it ok or make it ok to not try and make it happen less.

In my experience, 3-5 weeks is even conservative. I have eaten eggs quite a bit older than that that were perfectly good.

I’m going to go ahead and assume that you are trolling because I will be happier not believing that people that hold views as ridiculous and wrong-headed as yours actually exist in this world.

I am so fucking sick and tired of the “teleportation or mind upload is murder/suicide”. The only way that idea makes ANY SENSE AT ALL is if you believe in a non-physical soul or some other spiritual....thing...that has no basis in matter or physics and is tied to your physical body. If you don’t believe in that, then

I mean, I think that being a tribute to someone or something does not require the approval of the person being tributed. If they did it because they wanted to honor George Takei, how he feels about it doesn’t change whether or not it was a tribute. It impacts how good of a tribute it was, but it doesn’t negate their