Dr. What?

I don’t think judging the industry by the lowest tech level is fair. It’s pretty obvious from the general progression of tech that in the near future, the Tesla supercharger times are more reasonable. A lot of objections throughout this comments section seem to be based on the idea that electric vehicles won’t get any

Oh yes I definitely believe that electrical vehicles will get there, but they don’t need to get there before they become much more widespread.

You seem to be under the impression that current engineering problems will not be solved in the future that is never a good bet. And the idea that there is not enough renewables to power the world’s energy needs is laughable. The problem isn’t capacity, it is, as you also pointed out, is unevenness in generation. And

close, but not quite there. Of course those requirements are pretty absurd. Some people need that, but the vast majority of people do not.

8 hours is an absurd straw man of a figure.

While there are definitely gas vehicles that fit that description, they are a pretty small minority. I have a compact sedan that gets about 300 miles to the tank and fits four people and a little bit of cargo. Most people don’t drive vehicles that fit the description you outlined, and while electric vehicles will get

You seem to be assuming constant supply. As demand increases, more generation capacity will be built, so that supply will increase with demand. It is HIGHLY HIGHLY unlikely that electric vehicle sales will increase so dramatically that electricity generation won’t be able to keep up with the increasing demand. And for

Jesus this vendetta against Thiel is getting really old. Yeah, he funded the lawsuit that killed Gawker, but guess what? Gawker lost that lawsuit not because of Thiel’s money but because of it’s it’s own behavior and how that behavior was viewed in a court of law. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the

So I just read up on the “Monsanto Protection Act” and it kind of sounds like one of those things that has been blown out of proportion. I probably agree that it shouldn’t have been in there and that it’s and end run around the courts, but I also see how a crop that was previously approved, and has likely already been

I’m gonna need a source on that. That claim sounds pretty out there.

That just seems to bolster my point that there isn’t a very good reason to have the “anti terminator gene” clause in the contract.

Well, other than laws against monopolies, which, with some notable exceptions, work pretty well, I suppose there is not reason it couldn’t *theoretically* happen. But it’s not the case right now and it doesn’t look like it’s going to be the case anytime soon so I don’t really see the point in arguing a case that not

That sounds like a case where the Monsanto seed is worth the extra cost. Not really seeing the problem there. Those advantages have a monetary value to them. If Monsanto charges more than thsoe advantages are worth, farmers won’t plant the seed.

Reality? Monsanto is not the only Ag Business which sells seed. Not even the only one that sells GMO. It’s the one we hear about, but it’s far from the only game in town and that’s not likely to change any time soon.

What? You are making no sense. Let’s try and break down your argument.

An advantage only becomes a necessity if the advantage i worth the price. Monsanto literally cannot charge more than the seed is worth in terms of advantage. Let’s say that Monsanto’s new seed boosts yield by 20% Monsanto can’t charge so much more for the seeds that it eats up all the new revenue or else it won’t be

I 100% agree on increased government funding, but that isn’t the way it works now, and you can’t get rid of the incentive for the research we do have before replacing it, so until governement funding increases (by a lot), we need to allow private companies to make a profit on the research they do or else the research

What do you think the downside of terminator seeds is? Farmers currently cant save and replant seed because of licenseing ageements. And traditionally created hybrid seeds are useless for replanting also. So not only can farmers not use the seeds regardless of whether or not they are sterile, but there are other crops

Not only that, but current liscenses disallow replanting of seed anyway (which is necessary if you want companies to keep innovating new plant varieties). It seems like a PR move by MIT honestly. I’m also curious about the statement “making farmers dependent on the seed”. Monsanto will never be the sole seed provider.

The lack of MMS integration is what finally got me to switch to the default messenger app for texts. So now, I use those two. I have no interest in getting another one.