Dr. What?

Alienating people for their beliefs? That’s always worked out well for us in the past.

That was an awfully long winded way to say that you don’t buy the article’s claim. You have a point about shipping and commercial aircraft (for now) but both Tessa and Mercedes are developing electric big rigs. Battery efficiency/range/charging speed is only in the nacent stage of innovation. As more and more

Bullshit article is bullshit. People should not be punished for political beliefs, especially from the organized mob of the perpetually outraged. Trump is an idiot and a terrible person and candidate. He is not a planetary danger (or no more of a planetary danger than any of the war happy presidents that have come

I don’t personally like Thiel and find his support of Trump to be baffling, but it’s a very dangerous slope for journalists to be calling for the ex-communication from business communities of a supporter of the nominee of one of 2 mainstream political parties in this country, particularly a candidate who will likely

I’m sorry, but what twisted Social Justice Warrior BS are you on about right now?

I think you should resign before your personal grudge against all things Thiel lands your new employers in the same position your former one is in, with nobody left willing to pick up the pieces again.

True, there is a compelling argument to be made that a person should not be fired over their support of a particular political candidate......... Whether or not this argument holds water for someone of Thiel’s stature and power is open for debate.

Hear hear. Even more, this is for asking a guy to step down from a major position at a company because of the politial leanings of a friend and “unpaid partner” in that company. This is beyond irresponsible. And if it was any other Trump supporter except Peter Thiel, I doubt this would be an issue.

There is a profound and important difference between “excis[ing] all of [a candidate’s] supporters from every company, organization and club we belong to” and voluntarily removing yourself from a company, or an organization, or a club—even if that decision is due to political disagreements.

You’re right. Politically motivated firings are an unacceptable violation of the social contract.

Doesn’t the Model 3 already have those stats?

Given that the Fiesta sized and priced* Renault Zoe went from 22kWh to 41kWh – and from a 150 mile to a 250 mile range on the NEDC cycle – just now, without increasing price or weight, that moment maybe closer than you think...

I find Donald Trump to be reprehensible, despicable, and someone unworthy of and unfit for the Presidency. Yet... I don’t think we can start disassociating ourselves and organizations from every person who is supporting him. Even if they’re wrong to support him. And I agree with Altman - it’s a dangerous path to start

So now I should ask my co-workers who might be supporting Trump or have contributed to his campaign to resign? I have no qualms calling them racist assholes, but asking them to resign over their political affiliation is wrong. That is why this article is stupid. That Oculus guy is a racist asshole, as is Peter Thiel.

I’m about a week away from leaving this site all together. Can you go a month without talking about Thiel? NOBODY BUT YA’LL CARE ABOUT THIS MAN! And only you folks are giving him any attention. I’m probably going back to Engadget full time.

I get it, I really do. I don’t want a Trump presidency either. And I don’t like Thiel, but I suspect you don’t like him more intensely.

Utter. Fascist. Nonsense. You can say/believe anything, as long as I approve of it. Altman should just say “no”, stop indulging in the conversation .


Not this shit again.

Oops, should have read down further I guess. It seems you ARE just a pretentious asshole. Trans issue have recently come to the fore front and lots of people still don’t know how to navigate the minefield that is gender/pronouns these days.

My suggestion would be to understand the obvious source of confusion, in the preference for she/her pronouns for someone that looks so masculine.

Can I read/reply to messages on my computer like I can with hangouts?