Dr. What?

“you” are nothing but a collection of atoms. You recreate the pattern, that is you.

“YOU” are nothing but a pattern of atoms. If you recreate the pattern, it is you.

I am so tired of this argument. It pops up all over the internat all the time. We are nothing other than a specific arrangement of atoms. If you replicate that arangement, it is the same person. There is no difference between being deconstructed or destroyed or whatever you call it and being reassembled than what your

No, entire plot arcs should have been cut to streamline the sory. The Aeil plot and/or the Seanchan plots should have either been cut or EXTREMELY truncated. The ideas were good they were just too long.

The issue is that this isn’t a “slippery slope” in the sense that this ruling is a halfway step to these other “worse” things. These issues the brief talk about ARE NO DIFFERENT than what is currently being asked. So if you allow one, you are implicitly allowing the others.

Because all the rule 34 content of the frozen characters really put a damper on that movie. Actually, the amount of rule 34 content of disney characters in general is so high that I’m pretty sure Disney is immune to any negative impacts it will have. does that have ANY relation? A car that was never designed to be operated without a human in constant control will behave completley differently than one that is designed with failsafes and backups and without human input assumed at any point.

You have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

So when I first heard about this court order, I thought it was requiring Apple to make available to the FBI software which already existed, which I thought was relatively reasonable. But now it sounds like they want an entirley new version of the OS installed which circumvents the security precautions. That sounds

Except that you can’t actually do that. There are laws on the books preventing it and I’ve never found any evidence that anyone has even tried.

Your managers may have thought there was liability but there is actually not. Not only is there no documented cases of a suit like the one you describe, there are laws on the books explicitely to prevent them. Lots of managers THINK there is liability so take these measures, but the liability doesn’t actually exist.

You realize that that is true for every single corporate tax (and every other tax as well) right? By that argument, we should completely get rid of corporate taxes altogether because it’s really the consumer that’s paying it! Every single tax ever eventually comes down to the consumer paying it. That’s the way the

Demand in the US and in particular CA may have dropped some very small amount as a result of water conservation ideals, but that demand drop was not large enough to cause any change in price, since almost all CA almonds are sold overseas, so those markets drive most of the price fluctuations. So you are right,

Demand for California almonds is by vast majority not in the US (California produces most of the world’s almonds by a large margin). In fact most of it is from China and India, where they don’t care at all (if they even know) about the drought. So since the internet outrage was basically limited to the US and within

This crash had literally (and I mean that in the old fashioned way, not the new fangled “sometimes means figuratively” way) nothing to do with internet outrage and 100% was caused by overplanting on the heels of overly high prices.

The exact connection right to their house? Probably not. The odds of any particular section of line needing repair are low. But the power company is constantly doing repairs and upgrades along various pieces of line that are part of the network that your parents are connected to.

I believe it’s basically that there is a cost associated with maintaining the wires connected to a house. So even if you produce enough energy to completely cover your energy needs, you are getting a service from the wires by basically “storing” your excess energy during the day and using at night.

The response for large scale storage is to not use chemical batteries but instead do things like use excess energy produced during the day to pump water uphill into reservoirs and then let it run down through turbines at night. Those kinds of storage, which don’t work on small scale, are far more efficient than

Considering that chimps have been shown to engage in large, inter group “wars”, I think it’s safe to say there has been human warfare since before we were humans.