Dr. What?

Good luck on those ones. They start off really strong, but the middle can be a bit of a slog. I honestly think that would be one of my favorite series if Jordan had cut it by between half and 2/3rds. Still enjoyable, and the final books written by Sanderson are fantastic, but there is a lot of sideways progress in the

Yeah I just went and read his “State of the Sanderson” blog post, and he’s saying that while it’s possible it could come out fall of this year, 2017 is much more likely. Apparently the next Alcatraz novel is coming out in June, but I haven’t read any of those ones by him.

Is that coming out this year? According to his website, the first draft is only 36% done.

Sanderson has Bands of Mourning (in just a couple weeks!) and in a few months his YA novel Calamity.

I understand this argument, but it doesn’t carry weight with me. I fully acknowledge that it is possible (even likely given enough time) that an autonomous car will make a decision that humans will disagree with and that will result in injury or loss of life. But when you consider that overall, autonomous cars will

You are not wrong, but the fact that no one went to prison over the banking crisis doesn’t mean that no one should go to jail for lesser crimes.

You are expecting logic from the same nation that still thinks terrorists are a real threat that deserves any significant amount of action in response.

The entire existence of the “debate” is the result of his comments being taken out of context by shoddy reporting, if you read the full context of his comments, as I keep repeating, and have posted multiple times, it is painfully obvious that while his joke was completely inappropriate, the overall message was

You are correct. The joke was inappropriate. And we shouldn’t be ok with people making jokes like that. But, we also shouldn’t be crucifying people who are clearly on the right side of things for making off-color jokes. He should have been spoken to, reprimanded, whatever. But the backlash was completely out of

Have you read what the full context of his comment was? Because in the full context, his statement was not anti-women in science AT ALL. Here is his comments:

He was let go from his job. And he didn’t mock women in science. He made a joke that he was a chauvenist monster and that women in science needed to keep going and persevere despite “people like him”. The message of his talk overall was that we need more women in science and that that while it is difficult for them,

Also, I’m not sure on number 10 if you are saying that the scandal was that a scientist made such a big deal of using female cavers, or that somone called him on turning it into a PR stunt. It seems to me it’s the worse offense to make a big deal out of the women cavers. I have no idea if it’s true or not that no male

So Number four, from what I’ve heard, that comment was taken completely out of context and every single peson who actually heard it in his talk knew that it was 100% a joke and not meant to be dismissive of women scientists, and that most of his talk was actually pro-women in science. This guy underwent a witch hunt

Way to give the credit to UC Santa Cruz instead of the first listed researcher Kenneth Coale From Moss Landing Marine Labs. We may be small, but we matter!

And much like the “possible ages” that get published whenever a large rockfish gets caught, they are very rarely quite as old as people think based solely on the size. I know that rockfish basically stop growing at a certain point in order to invest more energy into reproduction and I imagine many other very long

That’s actually not true. They don’t stop growing and they continue reproducing, but it’s the growing thing that eventually kills them. As they get larger and larger, molting becomes more and more energetically costly and they do it less and less frequently. Eventually they either die during a molt because they don’t

I mean, if you don’t like Turn based tactics games than it probably isn’t for you, but there is nothing better than when you get to the late game with a Colonel ranked sniper wielding a plasma rifle headshotting an enemy from across the map. Sooooooo satisfying. Plus the base building and research aspects of it are

I’m a marine ecologist and we just recently had a conference on the West coast a few weeks ago. At the end of the conference, the plenary speaker gave a talk on how scientists so frequently focus on problems but that we very rarely produce actual solutions. And part fo the reason that we don’t produce solutions is

We aren’t fat enough to be worth eating. Orcas are very picky about what they eat to ensure they get the most calories that they can get. For example, often when orcas kill a whale, they will eat only a very small portion of it, such as the tongue, and leave the rest. They specifically target very fatty animals and

Sigh...and what is inherently wrong about “processed” food? I’ll give you the answer: absolutely nothing. When you consider the foods that most people think of as “highly processed” they often have things about them that are less than ideal such as a whole ton of sodium, often very high in sugar, and really high in