Dr. What?

You have to be one can be this ignorant...right? Sure, the idea can be kind of icky, but I guarantee you that you (and most americans) eat things that are far more removed “from nature” (which is such a bullshit idea in the first place, humans and everything we do is part of nature, and even if you

Whelp...these comments pretty much represented the complete lack of understanding of big game conservation and hunting in Africa that I expected. Poorly informed internet activists to the rescue!

He is definitely a counterpoint, but for me that’s not a good thing. For example, in a recent episode on very large viruses, his insistence on assigning a value judgment to species which went from being independent to being parasites really got on my nerves. It’s that kind of thinking of his that bothers me: that

Robert Krulwich often drives me nuts on Radiolab. His pseudo-spiritual ideas about the world and how it “ought” to work leave me baffled as to why he is a co-host of a podcast ostensibly about science. So I’ll probably give this one a pass.

You realize that the point of the surge pricing is not to gouge customers but to encourage more drivers to drive when need is high right? Surge pricing goes into effect when there are way more people hailing Ubers than there are drivers to supply them. Since Uber drivers are contractors who work whenever they want,

This problem would solve itself if California could get rid of the antiquated water rights system and every year just auction off however much water is available (available as in ecologically responsible to use) to the highest bidder. Ag types that are high enough value and can’t be grown elsewhere (such as almonds)

As I understand it, the issue isn’t that the data got hacked. It’s that the business basically took no efforts to prevent it being hacked. If they had had robust security measures in place and still gotten hacked, then they wouldn’t be liable. But they basically left the front door open with a sign saying “rob us of

While this is real data, and the “patches” do exist, you will never see photographic evidence because what they actually are are areas of higher density fo very small pieces of plastic (on the mm-cm scale). There are none, never have been, and never will be floating “islands” of garbage in the oceans.

You’ll never kill them all. Kind of like the fact that Sara Palin never said she could see Russia from her house, but that is never going to die either.

I don’t often say this: but that is a blatantly stupid opinion. Did you read the numbers listed in the article? Given the sheer volume of fanfiction, some of it HAS to be good. I agree that the vast majority is utter dreck. For some people (you are obviously a part of this group) it is not worth the time and effort to

No he isn’t, proof is a completely different thing than fact. He means proof in the mathamatical sense of “we have a proof that this theorem is correct”, or deductive reasoning type proofs. Science never does this. Science will never prove that the Theory of Evolution is true, but we have observed many instances of

Ok, now you are getting into majorly pedantic territory and how you define “fact”. In science, the commonly accepted definition of a fact is exactly that: an observation. If you observe something, it is a fact. Science’s job is to take all those facts, try and explain them, and place them in the greater framework of

It’s really not. And there actually isn’t a difference between the two. Macro evolution is just micor evolution writ large and given enough time. There is nothing magical about the “species” line. If you build up enough “micro” evolutionary changes, then voila! You have a new species. The difficulty most people have

I’m not quite sure what your point is. The situation currently is this: Species change over time, we know this. After decades of experiments and scientific inquiry, we have our best explanation of why: the Theory of Evolution. It is constantly getting upgraded and improved and the details filled in, but it could,

That’s why my post included both of them. Evolution is actually a whole series of facts. We have observed species changing over time hundreds and hundreds of times, and have even observed it in laboratory conditions. So, much like “I witnessed a herd of elephants with no tusks” we hav a whole series of observations

Firstly, science never “proves” anything. It’s literally not possible. Nothing in the entire history of scientific inquiry has been proven. Secondly, yes we can see evolutionary change. We see it all the time, that’s what genotypic change is which has been observed countless times. Also, we have indeed reproduced it

Especially since evolution is actually a fact (we know for a fact that species change over time), the theory is that it occurs by natural explanation, hence the full theory name “Evolution by Natural Selection”.

This kind of research has actually been done in many places around the world, and while it’s interesting, useful research, it’s important to be careful in how much we extrapolate the results. unless these vents are unique from all the other ones I have ever heard of, they are seeping a lot more than just CO2, which

Well, several other gawker media articles on the topic have done just that. So far this one is outnumbered, but refreshing nonetheless.

An actual, well thought out, intelligent article on this topic? And on a gawker site no less! I may faint...