Dr. What?

No one is going to mention the fact that this kind of big bame hunting pays for the guards and protections that save thousands of other animals from hunting and poaching every year? Yeah, in a perfect world, there would be no hunting at all, but these countries can’t afford to protect these animals out of the goodness

Firstly, when I was taught about this stuff in undergrad (obviously that’s a totally different level of knowledge than researchers but still) I was told that the fitness cost was usually from the metabolic cost of producing the chemicals that caused antibiotic resistiance, which was a disadvantage when there was no

I work with unmanned marine video systems (think ROVs, although the stuff I work with is simpler and cheaper than most of them) and we usually have generic insurance that we purchase for the portions of the year when we are using the tool. Since we have to transport it from place to place depending on where it’s being

Firstly: it is almost painfully obvious to me that the sub in this article is a troll account. From the tone of the “manifesto” to having Bill Cosby on the banner, it is ridiculously obvious that this sub was not created to seriously help rapists. That doesn’t make it ok. If it was indeed intended as some sick joke,

Considering that in nearly two years on reddit I have never encountered a single post from this sub (or any of the other awful subs I’ve heard about), you will have a pretty hard time making the case that subs like this are infecting the rest of the site. You have to go looking for them.

God dammit I am sick and tired of these bullshit articles about how awful a place reddit is. Reddit gets TWENTY MILLION UNIQUE VIEWS A MONTH. Of COURSE a subset of those people are awful awful people. Do you know how many subscribers that sub has? ~2000. That’s about 0.01% of the user base of reddit. Which, when you

I don’t get onto facebook too often anymore, so I really don’t care about this change either way, but was it really such a blow to feminism that the female icon was in the back? And if it really is so demeaning, why not make two icons, one with the male in front and one with the female in front and display each

The author of that article is clearly lactose intolerant and is just jealous of those of us who still have the privelege, into adulthood, of drinking this delicious, delicious white gold.

While I don’t have stats to support this; I’m pretty sure that my area has the highest density of marine science labs of anywhere in the country (if not the world). We have (in roughly North to South order around the bay) Long Marine Lab (home to both the UCSC marine science research program and NOAA Southest

“$0.006” is very different from “0.006 cents”. And using the phrase “$0.006 cents” is extremely confusing (it’s basically the same as saying “0.006 dollars-cents”). I assume you meant to use either “$0.006” or “0.006 dollars”, which is equivilent to 0.6 cents.

So to clarify, does everyone with a valid copy of windows 7 or 8 get a free copy or only people with a valid copy who have also been part of the beta program?

Ok, I shouldn’t have used “no one”. What I meant was, none of the neurologists are claiming that.

No one is claiming that all of your brain is running at full tilt all the time, but most of your brain is getting used to some degree or another for most tasks, with specific areas picking up more or less of the load for specific tasks. The idea they are debunking is that only 10% of your brain is used for anything at

I don’t think you meant to reply to me...

Did you read my comment? I had no problem with the ban. They were clearly harrassing and full of awful toxic people and made reddit a worse place for being part of it. The problem wasn’t that it was banned, it was how it was done. If you are going to enact a new anti-harassment policy, it is vital to do it in a

not to mention that the etymology of helicoptor is from the greek for spiral wing, with the coptor part coming the greek pteron, so quatcoptor is like saying four wing and saying quadhelicoptor is fourspiralwing either of which is a pretty accurate description.

I honestly think this whole thing has been horribly handled by Pao and Reddit. There are very good reasons to ban the subs that they banned, most redditors (myself included) didn’t like or condone the behavior and would even agree that it was in fact harrsaing and abusive (at least the recent mod sanctioned posting of

Counterflow circulation like this is extremely widespread across the animal kingdom for a whole host of reasons, not just temperature control. It’s basically useful anytime you have a large gradient of something that you need to equalize, although temp and chemical gradients (like for ammonia in the gills of most bony

Mind if I ask where you got that graph? I’ve never seen it before.

Mind if I ask where you got that graph? I’ve never seen it before.