Dr. What?

M is the development codename. The real dessert based name has net yet been announced.

The other issue is that the current FDA regulatory system is not setup to allow for living medical treatments. Injencting a virus that is a live and capable of changing/evolving is not something the current FDA could allow. I think phage therapy will be something we eventually utilize, but not only will the targeting

Is this just ending the bulk collection of phone records or all of the bulk data collection (including internet traffic) that was exposed by Snowden? Basically, how much of the spying on American citizens is being ended by this?

I tried really hard to find documentation for this, and I have to admit I failed. I can’t find any actual proof that “big bag evil guy” was used in tabletop gaming before Buffy, but I’m pretty sure that, given the fact that it’s a longer phrase, and that tabletop gaming has been around for quite a while, that I’m

I’d just like to point out that while Whedon and Buffy definitely popularized Big Bad, I’m pretty sure it actually originates in tabletop roleplaying games (usually referred to as the Big Bad Evil Guy or BBEG).

Fully automated economies that do the work from start to finish is the dream. Literally. That is what is necessary to create a post-scarcity society. No one will work, but if we do it right, no one will NEED to work. When it comes right down to it, the real cost of everything we do is the amount of human labor it

If I recall correctly, one of the issues with older versions was that the heartrate data was not available to phone apps over bluetooth. Has that been fixed with the new software update? I have been eyeing the Peak for a while and this may just convince me to pull the trigger.

Funnily enough, that’s the same answer to every question of form “how long can you do X”. Similarly every question of form “Is X edible” has the answer “At least once”.

Well, hearing his current views makes me feel better. In that case, I’m more upset about the lack of understanding of the science of evolution in the book (or maybe it’s set in an alternate universe where the evidence for evolution isn’t as good?) When the main charachter comes to grips with the fact that the universe

Calculating God. I first read it back in high school when I a) didn’t know too much about evolution and b) didn’t know that the debate about whether or not evolution was real was a serious thing.

There’s no reason you couldn’t... sounds like in none of the accidents was the self driving car at fault. I fail to see how this is a problem. If anything, having lots of accidents where human drivers caused an accident with a self driving car is just convincing me even more that we need to get human drivers out of the driver seat...

And don’t forget that those pre-emptive surgeries carry a risk of their own, which in many cases is higher than the risk of you actually getting cancer. So yeah, like you said. You 100% can get screened too often (which also applies to men and colon exams.)

I think he means you can travel due south into Iowa. There are a couple pretty intense bends in that river border. But no bridges there, so driving doesn’t really work.

Coming from the Gawker GMO article comment section, I am having trouble downshifting my brain into the appropriate gear to appreciate this article and am instead fighting tendencies to react negatively as if this was a serious idea. This is as close as I was able to force myself to let it go and respond in the

How difficult/feasible would it be to completey replace the ECU with an aftermarket open source version? If their main issue is tinking with code that you are just “licensing” than can we just completely replace the code? Also, theoretically, since it’s the code that you technically don’t own, not the ECU it’self,

That’s because the focus of their comments was on the oceanic changes that are causing food abundance changes, which are inherently interesting on their own, regardless of their effect on sea lions. The ICUN red list has them categorized as “low risk-least concern” and the most recent stock assesment (2011) showed

Because it had been written about for decades, it couldn’t have been trademarked.

I imagine that the type of issue that could result in the glitter being loose would start with the total destruction of the telescope. And if you think the destruction of a large mirror based telescope isn’t going to leave thousands of tiny shards, you’ve got another thing coming.

So...45% of memes are white. And most memes are made in the USA...which is more than 45% white’s are relatively underrepresented....and yet memes are “dominated” by whites...good job people who did the story...