Jason Miller looks like someone blew up a balloon and drew a face on it.
Jason Miller looks like someone blew up a balloon and drew a face on it.
A very specific, very focused form of proto-Rickrolling.
And make them pay civil penalties and settlements.
Cops need to be held responsible for the deaths they cause, when they are the clear instigator. Period.
This is why, whenever I hear about a black person ‘fleeing’ the cops, my first response is “How is that *NOT* a perfectly reasonable and justifiable response for any person of color in *THIS* country??”
SCOTUS has ruled they have no constitutional duty to protect you unless you’re in custody, so they should probably add an asterisk to that phrase.
“Comply or die!”
This is precisely why we say all cops are bastards. These police murdered a man, lied about it, and they’re superiors did absolutely everything they could to cover it up.
“Louisiana State Police called the officers’ action ‘awful but lawful.’”
I’ve heard it said that pineapple is the only fruit that eats you back.
Those jerks tried to circle him looking all hard, but his vigorous pumping and spraying all over the place got them off as fast as possible.
Whenever I cook anything in the oven that needs to cook on a cookie sheet (cookies, fish sticks, frozen appetizers, etc.), I put aluminum foil on the cookie sheet. Clean-up is nil. Scraping crusty gunk off the cookie sheet? Needn’t happen! Never noticed any difference (in heating or quality of done-ness) than doing it…
Captain: “Nuts”.
Yeah, it’s a real circle jerk.
Is OK - they’re tugging on it
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