I think Fight Club kind of falls into the Starship Troopers category of movies where a certain portion of the audience pulled the entirely wrong message, basically because they can’t fathom satire.
I think Fight Club kind of falls into the Starship Troopers category of movies where a certain portion of the audience pulled the entirely wrong message, basically because they can’t fathom satire.
I’d tell you to go fuck yourself, but I wouldn’t want you to have a good time.
and the Lord Jesus spoke: “ye, if thou hast a rockin bod, make yon ducats on the site only for fans, my child! dolla, dolla bills, ye all!”
Not that I miss the Emetic-in-Chief (I do not) but I do kind of miss Barf Bag. And I’m wondering if the writers might want to continue the tradition with some sort of political round-up? Anyone? :)
Being called a racist is such a “derogatory” term. I honestly can’t think of another word, maybe starting with a different letter, like “n”, for example, that embodies so much hate...
I know I should’ve known better, but you scared me there for a second.
We finally have the definition for “????” in our x-step program!
Not gonna lie, I think it would be hilarious if memes killed the stock market. lol
I just want to be able to think, say, and do racist things without being called a racist. Is that so wrong?
I’ve read that some of the firms/corps that were shorting Gamestop and getting fucked over now are the ones we bailed out back in ‘08. The funds that bankroll some sports teams are involved too. I say good. Just another crack/hole exposed in this stupid system where the “economy” is booming, but people have no money
I’m no economy expert, but I think I solved the stock market. People just need to buy all the stocks and never sell, that way the imaginary money only goes up.
“how dare you use what we have been doing for years agaisnt us!” -Wall Street
“Dismissed by the media and treated with disdain by their elected leaders, these citizens come together and form groups that often draw more media fire as anti-government hate gatherings. Feeling alienated from their government and the rest of society, they often become disenchanted and slip into talks of ‘conspiracy…
He’s got a point about Fuhrman, though. In our PC society, a person can get labeled a “racist” for nothing more than saying and doing racist things all of the time. It’s not fair. Even worse, once you get tagged with the scarlet “R” of racism, it severely limits your career opportunities. The highest any person who is…
Some are going to have trouble getting to his events and getting home.
Takes a lot of work to get it up but totally worth it on that first blow.
Also from CNN, and my favorite headline of the year so far:
I finally figured out the Conservative tactic! Just attach “Freedom” to any concept and that automatically makes it good! “Freedom Factory” makes handcuffs! “Freedom Spam” and suddenly people start eating it! “Freedom Strippers,” now endorsed by your local church!