
Different mediums require different strengths. The exposition in a novel or novelization might slow down the pace of a movie. It's really interesting learning about the history of the Necromongers in the novelization, but it might be too much exposition for the big screen. Even learning what a Furyan is in the

Agreed. Have you read his novelization of "The Chronicles of Riddick"? He gives the mysterious Necromongers a pretty detailed history and fleshes out a lot of what is only hinted at in the film. I realize "Riddick" is by no means on par with "Alien," but damn, it's still a fun romp in film and prose.

I would have to agree. "Intelligent" Channels... I recall fondly when they didn't require quotation marks... At least "All Hitler, All the Time" was informative. I'd much rather hear of the rise and fall of the Third Reich for the umpteenth time than watch Larry the Cable Guy flaunt his good-ol'-boy schtick one more

I wish the History Channel would throw more Nazis and Aliens into their line-up. But the Reality Shows, oh, the humanity, the Reality Shows... I cannot stand the extreme antiquing show, the extreme lumberjack show, the extreme trucking show, the extreme swamp-dwelling rednecks show (very disappointed they're not

My apologies, I did not take "Angel" into account if only because I have not seen them all. Having read that, well, ouch. No worries, though. While I will have to reserve judgement on that, I can only say that the two examples I gave advanced the narrative in ways our grief might have otherwise clouded. But my

The only thing Retro about "Starship Troopers" is current American military recruitment advertisements. If anything, modern military recruitment advertisements have gone beyond Science Fiction and shown Marine cadets fighting demons and rock monsters. This is not Science Fiction, ladies and gentlemen... this is SyFy...


Let us ne'er forget the sacrifice Lobster Johnson made that day.

It's all the Spice in his diet...

Also the King of Spain...

And let us not forget that the chief of the Men in Black is called "Zed."

I make this look good, eh?

It would be fantastic, I have to admit... and the original ending of "Little Shop of Horrors" seems like the kind of thing Joss Whedon was born to bring to the big screen. (I also wonder if NPH ever gets worried about being typecast... as awesome.)

NPH as the Dentist... Doctor Horrible, D.D.S.?

It's got several. The moment Jesus gives up the ghost, pious zombies descend upon Jerusalem.

I would have gone with Luna and Neville as far as serious chemistry goes, especially since they were two-thirds of the leadership of La Resistance at Hogwarts towards the end of the series (the other third being Harry's own bride-to-be).

Opera? Secret Society? The Devil? I'm sold.

Ah, thanks for catching "Black Blade"! I only omitted "Veterans" because it's on "Fire of Unknown Origin" (#78 on the list). I wish only to see Blue Öyster Cult get the respect that is their due on a list of albums for SF&F Fans.

I look forward to seeing more Blue Öyster Cult make this list ("Astronomy," "Flaming Telepaths," "Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence," and "Godzilla," just to name a few songs...), as well as some T. Rex ("Ballrooms of Mars," anyone?). And if "The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars" doesn't make

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