
The Comedic Rule of Threes > The Sith Rule of Two.

Love the way the packaging makes it look like the Republic and the Empire trademarked Clone Troopers™ and Stormtroopers™ in canon. It’s really all in the phrasing...

Soul-harvesting velociraptors were a pretty odd choice for a follow-up...

More like a tragicomedy in Two Phases...

They could call it 127 Parsecs!

Is this just Batstubble or is it leading up to a full Batbeard?

Not my favorite cologne. Makes me smell like I'm trying too hard.

Now I'm surprised that we don't have at least one comic special explaining how Right Spacetrooper and Left Spacetrooper ended up working the same shift on the Death Star. This was something Dark Horse excelled at, for better or for worse.

Glorious! Old Sheev must have been a hit at parties before the dark times... before the Empire...

Now playing

The Holiday Special... some things ought to remain obscure.

Oh, I know. It's part of why I love Star Wars as much as I do... I had all of those Essential Guides that left no stone unturned. Snaggletooth—pardon me, Zutton or Z-Ton—was mercifully absent, but Star Wars became infinitely more complex to my young mind the day I found out that the "Look Sir, Droids!" stormtrooper

Bad taste aside, the reaction out of Ankara to even the insinuation of genocide always comes down to "That's nobody's business but the Turks."

How can they be background characters in Star Wars when we don't even know their names, homeworlds, or class rankings at the Academy?

Hmmm... guy sure looks like plant food to me.

They can’t call it the Smuggler’s Bay. They’d be doing it wrong.

Of course! I'd probably also have to give Harlan Ellison credit as I can't see this story ending any way other than "I have no mouth and I must scream!"

The Toy Story angle would make this movie absolutely terrifying.

I don't think I was aware of its absence until you pointed it out. Seems like it would be the safest story to import to the new canon: it has a self-contained plot between Empire and Jedi and none of the unfortunate undertones of Splinter of the Mind's Eye.

There's a fine line between nether-worlds and nether-regions.