
It's official: George Lucas hates his most hardcore fans more than he loves their money.

Now that Herr Emmerich has both temperature extremes covered, he must make a film about a pleasantly mild afternoon... of death.

8) "They're not people... they're monsters! The mummy is drunk... and he loves the funk!"

Attn: SyFy Channel

I'm assuming the Predator would recognize the difference between competent competition (which would end up as a trophy) and competent assistance (which may get said trophy as a holiday bonus).

Why no love for Chief Executive Officer Predator?

I think the real question is whether serving in heaven is any different from middle management in hell.

Hutts are hermaphrodites, though between Capote the Hutt and his "mama" on "Clone Wars" they seem to have some idea of gender roles.

I've never seen an Aqua Teen Hunger Force cereal, though I would probably eat it if it existed...

This Summer... Do Not Pass Go... Do Not Collect $200...

At least the Yamato became a spaceship...

Now playing

Tyra in 30 years? Couldn't help but think of this...

"The smallest sprout shows there is really no death / And if ever there was it led forward life, and does not wait at the end to arrest it."

You have no need to apologize, Anekanta! We're both very passionate about this issue, and, to be honest, I haven't had a real good and—please forgive the pun—civilized debate like this in quite a while!

Good point. My apologies if I overreacted. It may be much too easy to judge a past culture or nation as civilized by what they left behind, but those temples and legal documents are still valid examples of what it means to be civilized. Finding and utilizing intellectual means of coping with increases in population

Just look at the ancient Greeks. They were warlike to an amazing degree, yet they are the very foundation of Western Civilization. Philosophy, literature, theater, politics, and science (in the sense that some of them were able to separate the supernatural from natural phenomenon) all flourished in a culture that only

Don't forget about the Dark Zone's performance artist Kai!

Those are far too many smiles for Westeros...

It worked for the Ewoks.

Clearly, Göbekli Tepe was little more than a pit-stop for ancient extraterrestrial truckers; a place where they could refuel their starships on intersecting ley lines while neolithic man prepared greasy diner food (apparently consisting of lions, boars, and scorpions) for these beings they perceived to be gods.