The link has the price at $289. Best Buy has it at $250.
The link has the price at $289. Best Buy has it at $250.
The link has the price at $289. Best Buy has it at $250.
The link has the price at $289. Best Buy has it at $250.
I was standing in line behind a guy who was bragging that “no one could EVER guess” his password. Within two minutes he was telling his friends his password. It was his favorite superhero plus... yada, yada, yada.
Good advice. Also, if you live in an earthquake-prone area, make sure you have an earthquake kit to get you through 72 hours if there’s a big one. Here’s a good site:
My husband is French who moved to America and his English gets better daily (he still has issues with pronouns...). I have been taking lessons from a private tutor for three years (!) and I still can barely speak. Then again, we are all over the place in terms of our learning, but still, I need to get my shit…
Poor Harvey...
(by “Poor Harvey,” I mean, “F*ck that piece of sh&t!”)
Have you tried Vincent Price’s guacamole recipe? It’s in his amazing cookbook (he and his wife were gourmets who got great restaurants to give them their recipes). He recommends using crackers instead of chips, but it was a different time and guac was “exotic”. I like it, but I now go with my own thing.
Just buy cookies in a store because you know nothing about baking. The reason you’re supposed to use unsalted butter is that you can then control the amount of salt you put in the recipe. Salt is still added, because any idiot who bakes knows that salt adds flavor.
Baking, unlike cooking, is about chemistry and…
I see what you did there...
Thank you! I have loved avocados since I was a kid (i.e the early 1970's). I love them plain. I love them in a salad. On a burger. In a taco/burrito. I love them as guacamole... I. Love. Them.
When I first saw “Avocado Fries” I thought, “This is going to be great!” Sadly, it was awful. I have been telling anyone who…
I don’t think they’re around them. I’ve got nieces and nephews and I love them dearly, but their little germ factories. Same thing with teens... Yeah, nothing hotter than a face full of zits... Yeesh.
I completely agree with this.
I had a long-time friend that was insecure and made a lot of rude comments to/about people. Whenever she was called on for her comments, she would say, “I was only joking!” and indicating that it was not HER problem we didn’t get her joke. The odd thing is, when other friends would…
Bourbon. give the kid lots of bourbon. And make sure you suggest this to all your friends with children as it will guarantee no on will ever ask you to babysit!
If you’re opposed to giving a child alcohol (which will probably get you arrested, drink the bourbon yourself. However, unlike the kid, make sure you drink…
Worked for me.
I totally agree: why bother making an effort? Why would I want to read a note from someone who appreciates what I did for them when I could be reading comments on a website?
In high school, a friend of mine wrote a thank you note to my mother for something she’d done. Thirty years later, my mother would still ask about her. She forgot all of my high school friends, except her. I think my mother only met her twice.
I use three basic styles:
I use three basic styles:
You should go ruin Casablanca...
My brother had a freezer in his garage with a bunch of lobster tails. The gardener was always unplugging it and forgetting to plug it back in. I’m betting my rotting lobster smell could compete with your rotting lobster...
The Easiest, Tastiest Way to Use a Bunch of Zucchini: Throw it out and make yourself a hamburger. Zucchini sucks.
Tried buying it... Amazon won’t ship it to my work or my house. I have no idea why. Tried to find an answer... but Amazon makes it incredibly difficult to actually speak to someone. Don’t get me started on the oh-so-helpful Amazon “community”... ugh.
Sad thing is, I really need this.
Tried buying it... Amazon won’t ship it to my work or my house. I have no idea why. Tried to find an answer... but…