
I totally agree. My company switched over to Google Mail (or as I call it "downgraded to shit") and IT constantly reminds us that we are not using folders any more, but are labeling. My only question is: why is there a goddamned FOLDER icon for the "move to" link?

Why are there no mention of the Kardashians...?

I once had to tell someone to take a shower before work. You'd be surprised how clueless people are about their appearance.

Couldn't I just wear a pair of high heels? Maybe a nice pair of Manolo Blahniks? Espadrilles, perhaps...?

Get a basic basic black dress with a timeless style and you can accessorize the shit out of it for years.

There are people that do this. I've seen it. It's incredibly gross. It also makes the dick non-functioning. There are people that think this is just awesome. It's all so disturbing and disgusting.


I liked the pilot. I thought it was an interesting premise and I want to see where it goes. However, the thing that really bothered me was part of the whole technology premise: why can't they have steam engines? You'd think we'd just go back to the industrial revolution days. I'm hoping it will be addressed somehow.

I will SO watch that on Netflix... sometime... when I'm bored... and I've gone through the 200+ movies in my queue.

As a fifth-generation Northern Californian, I've always thought the split was in Fresno. In fact, there was a group that wanted to split the state and that was the dividing line. Not sure if it's a win or loss for the North, but Fresno ended up in the South. (Win.)

How... ordinary.

Does this put a kabosh on "Christmas Fruitcake Oreos"?

Dear God...! Not a Michael Bay movie!

Minoxidil was being tested as a blood pressure med and the patients started growing hair everywhere (their lips!). And thus, Rogaine was born.

Low ball it (no pun intended). TMZ will probably pay for it—and it will be all over the internet in about five minutes.

I just keep picturing him trying to answer the phone...

I'm looking forward to it—Seth Green can do no wrong.

Robert Polidori took some amazing pictures for his book "Zones of Exclusion: Pripyat and Chernobyl" He had full clearance. Even inside the reactors where the workers are monitoring the reactors.

My first SLR was a Praktica. Simple. Easy. I had complete control. Now I have a Digital SLR. I call it HAL9000: sometimes I want the blur, I want the harshness, I want it dark... but Hal doesn't like that. Nope. Not at all.

Agreed. When I was a kid (many, many years ago) I asked for a stereo for Christmas "with a cassette player." I said it again and again: CASSETTE PLAYER. Well, I got it: an "8-Track Cassette Player." I was crushed. My dad felt so bad (my siblings and my mom ganged up on him), that I lied and told him it was even