Got to meet him once. He was walking through the press box mins before the broadcast was about to start. You could tell he was in a hurry, but stopped to chat up almost every single reporter and fan in the room on his way. Very cool guy.
Got to meet him once. He was walking through the press box mins before the broadcast was about to start. You could tell he was in a hurry, but stopped to chat up almost every single reporter and fan in the room on his way. Very cool guy.
Hammerin’. Hank Kissinger wold have made a fucking awesome WWE wrestler.
Yeah I was almost sure they were gonna pull some crazy trick play... But who knows maybe they figured that might be to obvious or something.
I feel like everybody's called for Mccarthys head every season for the last four years... The only surprise this year was the bear utter lack of people screaming for the team to fire Dom Capers, which means he was doing his job I guess...
Agreed. The OT rules still confuse the shit out of me.
As a Packers fan, I would have liked to see them go for two. I mean if anyone could pull that off you think it would be Aaron Rodgers. But I also know that if they went for two and he blew it, people would be crucifying Maccarthy for that too. It’s a rock and a hard place.
One of my favorite styles of beer. Boozy with big flavor. My friends are always telling me to age them, but I’ve never been able to wait more than a few weeks before I give up and crack them open. Does aging them for months and months really make them taste better?
I respect your opinion, but have just one question.
It wasn’t a “Big Dog” t-shirt, but I’ll get there. Baby steps, my friend.
I just turned 30, and can confirm this is true. I woke up on the day of 30th birthday and immediately tucked tucked my t-shirt into my jeans before walking outside. I didn’t plan it, but by god it felt so right.
I kept waiting for the Too Many Cooks logo to pop up on screen.
At least the Vox article isn't one of those "Hurr Durr I'm a journalist and never go into to journalism" screeds.
Someone going after Moral Kombat? Have I stumbled back in time to 1992? Where are all the poggs?
Holy crap one of the drinks at the Love Grill is call "VirginiTEA"...
Red's Apple Ale is pretty damn good. It's basically an apple juice flavord malt liquor. Very tasty!
To quote a friend of mine on Facebook-
I'm a crime reporter at a daily newspaper. I haven't listened to Serial yet, but I have long thought that everyone should to spend time sitting in a district court room for a few days and watch the day-to-day grind of our criminal Justice system.
"Love the pitch, but it need more Sandler,"- SONY