
And now, Teams That Are Frauds, USL edition.

Nice to see the U.S. Men’s team staying busy during the World Cup

Simply because to me it’s boring to watch cars go in a circle. It’s that simple; I like road courses.

It’s boring on TV. Tons of fun live, though. The noise, the smell, the craziness in the pits, and especially the people watching. But, when stacked up against other forms of racing, including lawn mower and hot air balloon racing, it’s still the most boring type. It just is. 

This isn’t going to be news to you, but here it is anyway. Ovals are boring.

And look at how that’s working with F1. With the halo, etc. F1 has its own issues with rules and excitement.

Still boring.

Its a +3000lb car traveling at over 200mph on small 9" tires with limited downforce and a screaming +900hp V8.

no lies detected there. really booze is all St. Louis has to offer.

you forgot urban chestnut, pretty solid brewery, and a decent zoo you can drink at. but other than that?

Oh, for sure. Just as casual racism and proud ignorance have existed forever. Trump didn’t invent them, but he has made them socially acceptable to a huge swath of the population.

Went to St. Louis for the first time in March, and can confirm it is indeed a shithole. It’s like the city has died and no one realizes it yet. 

Weasel Words have been commonly used by disingenuous cowards long before Trump darkened our lives.

Thank you for this. As a Braves fan, I’ve ALWAYS hated the Cardinals. But since THAT shit? I’ve grown to despise their fans as well. Literally no reason to associate being a racist fuckwad with your team, but they really did that. I cannot unlink that bond for anything.

When someone uses that, it’s a pretty dead give-away that they’re republican.

I got into a light argument, last week, with my friend’s husband, a former St. Louis resident, about the hypocrisy of Cardinals fans and the actual worth of the city itself. I argued that the city of St. Louis is, in fact, not good. The only redeeming factors it seems to have is that the drinks are extremely cheap and


Is it because people in St. Louis think crackers are pizza?

> And hey, we can all agree that England should go on to lose.