
Like Qui-Gon said. There’s always a bigger fish.

Me! Me! Junior in college, likely high. If I wasn’t, I probably thought I was.

Bless you.

Yeah, the fact that this article doesn’t even wave at acknowledging our old comment-section denizen stung. Nobody’s fault - time moves on. Just sad, that’s all.

At this rate I’m going to be completely confused well before I’m clinically senile.

This could easily have been avoided by including a chyron throughout that segment that said, “This particular dumb shit was Anthony Trucco’s idea.”

I thought about that, and I have a much tougher time thinking of what my most watched would be if I limit it to stuff I watched on purpose. Things I’ve seen a whole lot would be the original Star Wars, Casablanca, Napoleon Dynamite, Scavenger Hunt (yeah). But it’s honestly pretty tough to separate the ones that were

I blame repeated exposure for my mental decline.

My numbers got all skewed when we had a kid. She had a phase sometime around elementary school where she’d just hammer one movie over and over again for weeks, so while I maybe wasn’t actively watching, I was exposed to whatever it was like a slow, soaking rain. Because of those experiences, I am profoundly sorry to

I am the Ghost of AV Club Yet to Come. Just you fuckin’ wait.

I got the first season of Discovery from the library once it came out on disc and it was pretty fucking good! Not good enough for me to shell out for another streaming service, but I’ll be happy to watch season two the same way.

Oh yeah, I have no doubt - if the strategy wasn’t effective they wouldn’t spend so much money on it. I’m sure if I examine my own buying habits, there are brands I’ve gravitated toward for reasons that are no better.

Hey, I’ve seen the movie that character is from! I should drink that kind of beer too!

Back around 2000, I’d have a group of friends that got together periodically to set up a selection of retro consoles and play old-ass shit. My favorite sports game memory from those sessions was, oddly, Football for the Atari 2600.

We are lucky to get there once a year (live a couple hours south of the city), so I don’t have a regular favorite dish. I’m a basic bitch and just get different pasta dishes and wine, usually some dessert. We got turned on to the place by a college friend of mine who lives in the city.

I don’t know - I can fall asleep to some pretty loud shit.

Just want to put in a good word for Anna Maria’s Pasteria at Clark and Montrose. It’s not particularly “Chicago” but it’s a super charming little place.

I mean, it gets points for not being “Kayden,” maybe? It would also sound sort of badass in a lot of contexts. “Leviathan showed up at my birthday party.”


Maybe I should pick ME:A back up. I’ve made two attempts so far and gotten stalled both times. I have colonized Eos but I just keep getting pulled away. That snow world can also fuck right the fuck off.