
I got my platinum trophy in Bloodborne, capping off a playthrough that spanned years. I really hate being “that guy,” but I can’t shut up about it. Nonetheless, I don’t have anything to say about it that hasn’t been said better already, so I’ll leave it at that.

Yes, Monster Biscuit is undisputed champion in this category for me, and I expect any other Hardee’s biscuit would work. They purportedly make the biscuits from scratch, and whatever the actual process is, they are amazing and put any sandwich made with them over the top.

How much fuck Father Christmas?

Thanks! I finished my Bloodborne playthrough on Saturday night (and used a backup save to complete all the ending permutations), and I guess I’m not ready to put it down quite yet, because I decided to go back and collect the last few weapons and spells for some additional trophies. Yesterday I spent time doing the

Last week I was struggling with Laurence, the First Vicar’s bullshit in Bloodborne’s Old Hunters DLC, and I’m happy to say I finally put that guy to bed. I think that may have been the most satisfying boss fight I’ve had in the game, in the sense that I had a very clear sense of when I was making progress, and almost

Probably says more about the paparazzi than Taylor Swift.

Great story, Mike. Thanks.

They said our name on telly!

He knows what he did.

Yep, I’ve had a few of those lucky fist shots, too. I think I’ve at least got a repeatable, successful approach for the first phase. I’m still not doing well against the goddamn flopping-around lava-barfing bit, but I’m sure either I’ll figure it out or I’ll get lucky. Either way works for me.

“I won’t do it.”

The Bruce one that gets me is also from The River, from “Stolen Car”:

Yeah, I’m being stubborn, I know. We’ll see - if I can’t make progress soon I might move to something else for a bit. One reason I haven’t given up and tried something else is that I think a lot of the issue is my own lack of discipline, so I think I ought to be able to get it done if I can master my impulses.

Bloodborne: Fuuuuck Laurence, the First Vicar. Been stuck there all week, and while I feel like I’m making incremental progress on improving my approach, there’s still way to many dumb deaths happening for me to feel good about. Anyway, I intend to put him to bed this weekend if nothing else.

I brought a VHS tape of “Friday Night Videos” to a sleepover at a friend’s house and that commercial played during one break. As you might expect from a group of five to eight 14-year-old boys, we paused, rewound, and re-watched that three-second sequence like ten times.

“...a wet rat shaking water droplets from its fur to a missile exploding a tank, a boxer getting his face punched in, and time-lapse footage of people walking around in front of Notre Dame Cathedral...”

You are my kind of guy, Bob. Next round’s on me.

Place I delivered for did square cut, and when some customers would inevitably order and ask for a pizza to be cut traditionally, they’d get in a snit and tell them they could have square-cut, or not cut at all so they could cut it themselves. This was just one of many ways in which the ownership of that place

Also the middle slices in a square cut pizza are gross.”