
I would argue with the definition of “long” being in the tens, hundreds or even thousands of years, only because it contrasts so sharply with what “a galaxy far, far away” would suggest in terms of distance.

“And when I make a cutting motion, it means ‘cut the scene short.’”

“Big Jay Oakerson”? Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time...

This pretty much makes me like Lady Gaga more, if anything.

In summary, Bob’s Burgers is a land of contrasts.

Christ, after reading that I just might avoid bread altogether.

Criminal lack of stars on this post.

Yeah, didn’t we just get this piece of shit OFF Twitter?

“Speed Impediment” would have been a likely name for one of those Chuck Jones Roadrunner shorts.

how much fuck batman?

“Find the River” is frighteningly on-point for me. Great answer.

I worked at Wherehouse #187 in Santa Rosa Plaza in the late ‘80s. I had lunch at the food court most days, and my go-to was chicken chow mein from a Chinese place whose name I can’t remember. I’m trying to remember the lineup at the food court at that time - there was a Hot Dog on a Stick, maybe a Hot Sams, and I

One of the good, dead ones.

This week I listened to Laurie Anderson’s Big Science several times, and that has led me to Philip Glass’ Powaqqatsi soundtrack which I’m enjoying right now. I’d love to hear any suggestions of less obvious stuff in the same vein, because I can’t seem to get enough of it right now.

[placeholder for pills/jellybeans callback]

Garbage earworms? Now THAT sounds scary!

I wouldn’t have cared anyway about LA to Vegas, and I haven’t read anything by Brandon Sanderson. Other than those two, I’m in violent agreement with all of these.

Damn it. I’m dumb.

Nice interview! Christina Ricci seems to have done an unusually effective job of embracing that early, defining role in The Addams Family without allowing it to define her career afterwards. Being really talented probably helps.

There was a plane and perhaps a question of ownership regarding the plane? It’s been a few years.