
I thought you were great in Poison Arrow.

The A.V. Club

I saw a blog post by a librarian who pretty much advocated turning off wifi as a way to extend a loan (unless I’m way off base, the book is “returned” whether my device is online to acknowledge it or not, so it’s the definition of a victimless crime in my opinion). In the comments on the post, one particularly angry

I’ve been using Overdrive exclusively. It saves me a couple trips across town, and bringing my Kindle to work (where I read before I start and during lunch) is more convenient. Also, if it takes me longer than I expect to get through an ebook I can accidentally switch on airplane mode and get the extra time I need.

I have a bunch of holds for library books but keep having to fill in while I wait for them to become available. Now I’m reading The Pale King, which I put down about a third of the way through when it first came out. Removed from the attention around its release, I’m really enjoying it.

Dear Anatoly,

Yes, thank fuck I “know about” a Harry Shearer novelty album that based on this very write-up sounds like a real piece of shit.

I try to think of this guy as a lefty version of Lobsters but it doesn’t usually work, and he’s too conventional in his capitalization.

Well I don’t think they’re supposed to use comic sans for one thing.

At the very least the film should serve to set Helen Hunt up with a few bucks. Would it kill you to go see it?

Point of order: Peoria is certainly a dump, but the city and others in the general area are connected to the outside world and have access to current music, what with the internet and all, and will show up for concerts if the act is good.

The depth of my non-understanding of what any of this shit means is profound.

That DNA test Maury did says different.


I love Wallace and IJ, so maybe the author wouldn’t like me. But fortunately now I know how not to care.

This would be like the perfect moment for that guy who used to go “We know seven facts...” That was a short-lived gimmick, but it lives on in my confusion about it.

This guy did a lot of great work. I learned his name when my college band wanted to put “Ladybug’s Picnic” on a cassette release in ‘92, and we wanted to be big time so I called Danny Epstein at Children’s Television Workshop and he gave me “official” permission to cover the song as long as we credited Luckey and

The 1,000-year animation = the GIF of the kids from Jesus Camp and the velociraptor.

SPQR at the moment, and then The Stone Sky.

Through a series of visual and reading miscues I thought for a moment that this show was to be titled “Pee Variety,” and I’d have to admit I would probably watch at least the pilot of that show. This one maybe not.