
to[o] much”

I love this soundtrack, and you’re right, Gwen - it was educational, and a gateway for me into appreciation of folk music. I love the hell out of the movie too, though, and watch it every year or so.

Stop trying to make me hook up my Dreamcast, Sam, it’s probably going to work.

I choose to believe they mean the actual pickle was nicked from the cooler at a nearby Chick-fil-a.

I’d like to take a moment to speak out against another type of ellipse-abuse, the fake stammer. It just... bugs the shit out of me.

Maybe a little, but to be honest I remember getting that feeling much more vividly during theater-viewings of ANH when they have a POV shot from the X-Wing diving into the trench.

I have no idea why, but when my family went to see this - I recall it being quite a while after it opened - we didn’t go to the nearest local multiplex, but instead trekked about 45 minutes down to a single-screen 70mm theatre that used to sit next to 101 near San Rafael. I was 10, but I’ll always remember how that

They got a pepper bar!!!

I like a crack, too, but I’m not going to lie to you

I put a lot of hours in FO4 and like you, I had mixed feelings about it. I 100% agree with the samey feeling of the engine being a downer. I’m always up for filling in the map, though, and it certainly hit that spot.

When I’d finished The Outer Worlds a few weeks ago, I kept thinking of how much it missed the sense of wandering around, stumbling across cool shit that I remembered from Fallout: New Vegas, and eventually I made the obvious decision to go back and replay that game, which I hadn’t touched for years. I’m about 6 hours

Spare me from another one of your pun threads.

In ‘92 I met two members of Sha Na Na and neither one was Bowser. What bullshit.

There’s a dedicated Harry Potter store at the Orlando airport, so sorry New York, guess you’ll have to find some other claim to fame.

There are a whole bunch of new, alternate uses of “eat” related to sports that I’m not happy about.

Yeah, these are at the top of my personal list.

There’s a “pop-up” place that opened here in the last year, housed in the local VFW. They serve a take on Nashville hot chicken that ranks among my favorite foods I’ve ever had. Also, somehow every side they offer is amazing, too. Now I’m hungry and I forget what point I was going to make.

Leaving off the punctuation so that this can be read as either a question OR an exclamation is FKA Twigs-level genius.

Your point’s taken, and based on other responses the show’s better remembered than I thought. I haven’t noticed it being available for streaming though, and haven’t seen much in the way of reruns in recent years, so I think there’s a limit to how apt a comparison is to other cancelled shows that are regularly served

I don’t know what you hope to get out of an IP where the youngest people who remember the original are like 40+, right? Articles like this, I guess, which you wouldn’t get without the tie-in.