
So far the series has had several notable lingering shots of the ruined faces of Cunanan’s victims.

A pun thread? I guess if that’s how you get your rocks off, I won’t judge.

Yep, that was the one.

There was a poster on the ancient Disqus-times AVC who used to use, I can’t remember exactly, some kind of archaic spelling or grammar constructions as a super-self-conscious affectation, and it made me furious every time. If anyone remembers what I’m talking about, please chime in as it’s going to drive me bats now

Nothing to contribute except that this was a great read, and please do more.

TMBG used to play concerts down in this neck of the woods regularly. Now, they never seem to get nearer than Chicago. COINCIDENCE?

I’m Sgt. Pepoohsten.

I don’t mind them, but to have essay collections make up 40% of the list (and then throw in some short story collections) speaks to a level of devotion to short-form work that I don’t possess.

You sure do love essays.

Ah-let me briiiing you a man of the woooooods

The Boss is still plenty capable of great music, but while it’s great that he is open to experimentation (e.g., adding Tom Morello to the band for High Hopes), it seems to lead to more unfortunate misfires (e.g., adding Tom Morello to the band for High Hopes). I’ll buy and listen to anything he releases, of course -

Fuuuuuuuuuck that.

This is, weirdly, the exact phrase that got me canned from the church nursery.

Failed first- and lasties.

Oooh... does he dis Dre or something?

“Walrus Man,” “Walrus man,” “Walrus-Man,” “Walrus-man,” “Walrusman.”

I read The Golden Compass based on glowing comments I saw on the review of the newer book by Pullman. You guys were right, it’s pretty damn good! (I’m about halfway through the third book now).

I know, so many people would be Hugo Weaving.

Yeah, seriously, what the fuck?

Break, Mr. Walters!