
Trump: “Something my generals said, very surprising, they told me Obama ate doo-doo in meetings with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.”

That goes double if you’re rich and stay loyal to your class!

It’s definitely not true in the sense of actually being the case, but it still says something true. It’s like the Book of Job.

Maybe I’m alone, but I really think actively encouraging Corgan at this point would be pretty funny.

Yeah, that’s actually extremely dumb, sorry to break it to you.

The thing is that in spite of being mostly right, the word “earn” is still used in this piece to describe graft and collection of rents, aka, how rich people get money; they don’t “earn” anything in any meaningful sense.

Now playing

I’ll post this here because I’m a dork and it’s a cool song.

I could pile on, but I’ll give him credit for looking at the proverbial horse’s predator-ravaged carcass and realizing it must have managed to escape the barn a while back.

This was unexpectedly poignant.

Season 4 of TPB stands up to any season of TV comedy almost entirely because of Dunsworth’s performance. Leahy’s descent into madness—and then a little further—was so detailed and so complete.

This news is a shiticane of sadness and now it’s got me all caught up in the undershit.

“This subpoena is too broad” = “I have to say something to justify this retainer.”

Anyone who thinks Tormund is dead must lack object permanence.

I wish I did. The material world sucks ass.

His twitter account is just a compendium of eventual self-owns.

The sheer volume of public utterances this man has made guarantees that he will have said something humorously pertinent to whatever controversy is dogging him during any given news cycle.

This would seem to be the question.

Fucked up enough to believe that your power and money insulate you from the consequences of your actions. You know what the worst part is? The dude was right; Crews didn’t touch him because his money and power actually did insulate him from the consequences of his actions. It’s almost like knowing he wouldn’t be

Yeah, and it never helps that including the words “in reference to” is a sure-fire way to lose half the people listening to you.

“...Because there are many lawyers who will help them and advise them in reference to what they can do if they are sexually harassed on the job.”