
I’m going to take the contrarian position and say that it’s actually good that this won’t get Trump impeached because if he was before Democrats could do anything about Congress, Pence would just rubberstamp whatever Paul Ryan stuck under his nose and we’d be paying to walk on the grass at formerly-public parks in no

It’s so obviously biastioc that there doesn’t even need to be an article.

Really impressed that she got a very pertinent response from the great Ernie Hudson.

Yes, he does. Post-Kinja, it can be only one thing.

Anyone else think it’s funny that the dude from the Serial Killer Show looks uncannily like Dennis Reynolds?

A band-aid can cost that much because it’s being sold in a market that exists solely to justify the continued operations of the health insurance industry.

Bell Witch defeated me, but I guess that was the point of an 83 minute album about death.

Exactly so.

I’m a lawyer and contracts that that intentionally contain unenforceable provisions are completely commonplace. It’s so there’s an official-looking piece of paper that some lawyer can point to as the reason that you can’t sue, which is enough to dissuade most people.

“...question whether the ‘culture of silence’ built around their NDAs helped undermine ‘those who might’ve spoken out.’”

It’ll be funny when climate change will make it so the only people with clean water are the rich and powerful and then you’ll say something like “Why didn’t we do something when we had the chance?!”

Fine, here’s your answer: if you can live on $35,000 a year, you’re “rich” in some relative sense (more on which in a second). But you know I’m talking about millionaires and billionaires, and you know millionaires and billionaires occupy a different moral space than someone making $35k a year since they can easily

That literally made my week.

Oh cool, we’ve descended into the pedantry section of the discussion.

Oh I get it. You think it’s possible to get rich ethically, then continue being a rich person ethically. I hate to tell you this, but the act of getting rich is a bloodsoaked, exploitative endeavor no matter how it happens.

Pretty sure what you’re talking about is covered by a nondisclosure agreement.

Please, dril is my father, do not denigrate him

Yes, please lecture me about argumentative integrity while you compare me to climate deniers and Trump supporters for acknowledging that there is something wrong with the rich are getting richer while, for instance, people are dropping dead in Puerto Rico from no drinking water.

Long story short, David Cross is a comedian first and foremost and probably looks at this more like a bit that bombed than a serious interpersonal faux pas.

Thank you, this is sincerely flattering.