
(Everyone on the Right simply chants “Lock Her Up!” with increased volume and urgency.)

what is discuss

Welcome to Netflix, your greenlit!

I imagine you’d have to have a court show the unenforceable provision is unenforceable too. You can’t just go, “Yeah, but this clause is bullshit,” and be on your merry.

One of the best pieces of literature ever written

His rebuttal to “Al Digiorno” a few weeks ago was my favorite thing that’s happened on the internet this year.

Another day working at the AV Club museum. People keep asking me if they can fuck the newswire. Buddy,

my favorite feature of this site is absolutely no consequences for my opinions sucking ffucking ass and me being 100% wrong about everything

It’s not called show considerateness. It’s called show business.

“1800 Suicide” is probably one of my top 10 hip hop songs ever. It’s a flawless track

Never listened to much “horrorcore” as a genre, but that first Gravediggaz album still holds up though. RZA and Prince Paul together near the peak of their powers and it’s more a psychological horror concept album than what other’s did with the idea later on.

I read this last night, laughed my ass off, then found your comment again this morning to tell you that. You are doing God’s work, and though much diminished since the Kinjalopalypse, I NEEDZ my AV Club comments. They sustain my through these dark times. Doo doo. Good stuff.

Don “2 Poops” Tramp

Sadly he has only mastered half of the ‘eat shit and die’ idiom.

When there’s a boot on your throat, you don’t exactly worry about *why* the boot is there. But feel free to ask, I guess...I’m sure the guy with his boot on your throat is probably more than willing to give you his life story before he smothers the life out of you.

I think the word “accumulate” might be more apt.

I don’t think anyone has played a better drunk. He was also the heart of the show, in a way, despite being a villain.

No kidding. Of all the questions I have about the last season of GoT, and all the worries I worry, none of them concerned Tormund, and I never understood people acting like it was a cliffhanger.

He and Edd are the only people among the Watch and Wildlings who still have first names, which would seem to make them as invincible as people on Boardwalk Empire who live past WW2.

Then again. After the way the last season got spoiled months prior to airing they’re willing to go to great lengths to prevent anything