
Anyone who voted for Trump and says that Hillary should have done something about Weinstein should have their eyebrows permanently removed and replaced with tattoos of penises.

Cool, this is exactly whose opinion on US politics I was wondering about these days.

Gonna get awkward when they realize it’s called “Weinstein Company.”

I wish people would stop doing this shit. Anyone with the emotional surplus to be deeply upset by gun violence on a TV show right now has nothing better to worry about. Just air it the way it was intended to air without going through this moronic kabuki where showing people getting shot on TV is treated like it’s as

It feels like the people in Robocop are watching us on TV.

Our reality is some other reality’s most ingenious work of satire.

This is obviously correct except Ironman instead of Fishscale and they all share first place.


Also, something that helps the world see you’re sorry is when you apologize for being a super-duper sex predator for decades, then sue the newspaper for reporting on the fact that you were a super-duper sex predator for decades.

Weinstein’s statement, condensed and paraphrased: “In the 60s and 70s, it was okay to rape. Now, I see that is no longer the case. Here is a pile of money to fight the NRA. Good day.”

Buddy, you’re the one who’s trying to convince me that “bad” and “worse” are synonyms. That bad faith pigshit might fly with some people, but not me.

I cannot stress this enough: you don’t need to be on Gawker’s side to appreciate the insane potential for awful things in a world where those with money can control what the rest of us think about them by cowing the press with lawsuits.

Missing the point there, Doc.

But the thing isn’t winning and it never was. (Frankly, I was a little surprised that Thiel won, but since he was out for blood he was probably willing to do whatever it took.) Really, this is about making legitimate journalism the subject of requests for TROs/injuctions and defamation suits so it can’t be published.

Hey everybody who was cheering Peter Thiel on against Gawker: Congratulations! This is exactly what you wanted! Weinstein even hired Theil’s lawyers! Betcha can’t wait until that sleazy New York Times finally gets what’s coming to it for *squints at index card* reporting on matters of public interest.

I’ll fuck right off as soon as you can explain the false equivalency without mischaracterizing my position, i.e., that Obama was better than Trump by a long shot, but he screwed us any number of ways because of his moronic commitment to bipartisanship—even when his own party controlled every branch of the federal

You are saying these things are unrealistic:

Funny how “he screwed us” means “I want a utopia” when someone disagrees with you.

Where’d you learn your Marx, bud?

Here’s the thing: everything you said is a matter of opinion and I could rattle off all the ways in which Obama took half measures or refused to act that fucked us over. You’re not changing my mind and I’m clearly not changing yours, since you cannot even break out of the tiny frame of American partisan politics here.