
The joke was that he said that just because he’s a folksy Texan and not because the president is in fact a fucking moron. I laughed when I came up with it, so it served its immediate purpose.

Congrats to everyone for getting the joke.


Well, no, there are two sides: the ineffective side and the awful side. He’s one of the former.


Wow, he displayed fundamental human decency! What a Great President! 

Obama sold us out to the same billionaires who now staff Trump’s cabinet.

You can take the hot-blooded oilman out of Texas, but you can’t take the Texas out of a hot-blooded oilman.

He absolutely did all of those things, which is why the press conference is so funny: because it proves the truth of the things it was called to deny. You don’t call a fucking press conference to deny rumors and innuendo.

A) How many gun massacres would have happened without basically outlawing private gun ownership? We’ll never know, but I bet it would be more than a few.

No one fought you, I just told you to go fuck yourself because you’re a pretty obvious troll.

Dude, the NRA’s line is that all gun control is the opening stages to a complete gun ban. Most people oppose that, so the NRA uses it for triangulation to oppose any kind of commonsense gun control measure. If you were innocently using extremely loaded rhetoric here, my apologies.

Yes, you can get EVERYTHING he bought at any damn gun store in Nevada. In fact, everything he bought was legally obtained, most of them through federally licensed gun dealers. This has been extensively reported in the news, which you haven’t read because you were too busy becoming a 2nd Amendment lawyer for your last

Because of money, you incomparable twat.

You’re a fake, go fuck yourself.

Seriously, go fuck yourself with the law you learned off of wikipedia so you can sound like you aren’t a fucking failure in life with nothing else going for him but a closet full of black rifles an alimony payment to an ex who hates his guts.

No one cares about your fucked-up hobby, asshole, somebody shot 600 people with shit you can get at Bass Pro Shops.

Hey, how is it being the idiot who believes what the NRA tells you?

It’s not actually commonplace, that’s just what you’ve been told so you accept it. The truth is that the vast majority of guns are owned by a surprisingly small group of people who disagrees with any kind of gun regulation. Apart from them (and NRA-funded legislators, obviously), basically everyone agrees on gun

Buddy, hate to break it to you but your whole post is a melted, smoking heap of (extremely bad, incoherent) ideology. Not only that, but you talk about data without actually citing any data. Pretty sure you know you’re too dumb to have cogent opinions, so you says things like “DATA” when you disagree with someone to