
I bet if I put an actual logic problem in front of you, you’d fill your diaper.

This is what blows my mind: people think bullets are death rays, but they’re just little sharp hunks of metal that get thrown through the air really hard when a gun is fired. Like anything else that gets thrown, bullets fall. I assume people believe handguns could have made a difference, but those bullets likely would

But hardly any of them take 20-something guns into a high rise and shoot 600 people, so who are we to judge, right?

Mmmm, I think it’s not a false equivalency at all. Have you ever considered why Hillary, Schumer, etc. and the Trump family all go to the same parties in the Hamptons? Hell, I’ll spoil it: they’re on the same side because they’re all rich.


No one remembers the first movie because it was no good *dusts off hands and hits “Publish”*

This is good, sorry inconvenienced Londoners.

Just one person’s opinion, but I think you should really lean into the whole “Price is Right Wheel-truther” angle.

Boy, I’ve got some bad news for him if he really believes that.

He said he was a no because the bill wasn’t following regular procedure. Being a stickler for the rules does not indicate any sort of decency.

Other known aliases: Pat McGroin, Harry Tainte, and Sheldon Scrotum.

Calumny! That was a clerical error; the only rolled corn snack that ever put me in the poor house was Dynamitas.

Good idea, my SSN is 420-69-6969.

This is shameless appropriation of beefy-boy culture.

(To the tune of “American Badass”)

I came here to ask the same thing.

Peak liberalism: deciding that the guy who denied that Hitler used chemical weapons is actually part of #TheResistance in spite of the fact that he has never publicly said anything critical of the president.

Goddamn this sucks. RIP to the greatest actor and coolest motherfucker on the planet.

The red hat guys who make gifs of Trump on WWE can’t even see that he just turned heel on them.

I mean, he had to pick pubes or a beard made out of pubes and he picked the beard.