
While true, it's not a defense.

Every single defense of Trump winds up back at "he's just extremely stupid and has no idea what's going on" at some point.

I think this might…eclipse(!) the home page redesigns for most unpopular move in this website's history.

Close—all police have a rare disease that keeps them from shooting at white supremacists brandishing AR-15s.

Haha, this is terrible!

That's true, but if they preferred terrible music they wouldn't be listening to this exquisite metal playlist.

She's attractive basically as a matter of geometry, which is also the creepiest way of being attractive.

I agree, and I am probably underselling the PR angle. It's just so discouraging that we're stuck fighting for symbolic victories (which are still important) while the nitty gritty work of slowing this jalopy of a dying empire down before the wheels fly off goes undone.

Oh, I know they do; I bitch about the metaphysical ineptitude of Democrats more often than is probably healthy. (The "Better Deal" thing they did is such bad messaging. Honestly, it's so bad.)

In a crueler universe, this infrastructure bill would have been first order of business instead of the doomed ACA repeal and the GOP and Trump would skate through the next two elections. I am no fan of our crumbling infrastructure, but the political climate would be far different for the worse if that were the case.

It really doesn't count though; this is just optics. It doesn't mean that any of these Titans of Capitalism is any less invested in perpetuating racial inequality or exploitation of labor or gutting the welfare state or anything else. They just don't want to be seen in public with the guy who thinks some neo-Nazis

Woke at 94? I'm in my 30s and already have enough trouble staying awake!

I mean, sure. A lot of guys will say some "live and let live" type of thing when you push them on it, but that gets people into trouble too.

I don't think it's degree so much as kind. Rappers who occasionally say homophobic stuff are in a fundamentally different category than members of Neo-Nazi organizations whose stated goal is to gain enough power so they can commit genocide.

When was the last time you went into a bank.

It really shouldn't be that hard. Looking up the band's most recent label is about all it takes.

As an actual metalhead, I feel responsible for saying that the vast majority of metal is either apolitical, has no discernible politics, or expresses left politics. The nationalist/racist scene is basically its own thing that was set up to siphon the especially disaffected away from regular metal with the promise

I've been on a string of real stinkers recently, so that's good to hear.

I hope that one of these days you and Clay Aiken will have the kind of friendship where you can just give him a quick call and ask what's new with him.

Clay Aiken, whose lunar visage is disorienting every time I see it, has always been my favorite nearly-featureless person.