
Greenwald's position is not that there was no collusion, but that collusion had not been proven by the evidence; absent a smoking gun, reasonable minds can disagree on that. If you don't think Greenwald has continued being good since 2013, I don't know what to tell you. The Intercept just ran a huge story a few

I approve. We can also call them "Turtle Troopers."

The alt-right irony/edgelord contingent will probably start to dissolve now that it's become apparent this is a political struggle with actual, offline stakes. It's not as fun to say Nazi shit when you have to worry about getting a head injury from someone in a black mask.


Then do us both the favor you moronic infant.

You're an actual stupid person if your only response to someone bringing up that the dude broke the fucking PRISM story—without exaggeration, probably the most important US news story of the millennium so far—is cheap, not even funny condescension.

Lol, he's done more public good as a "hack" than you could do in a thousand lifetimes.

Haha, because Glenn Greenwald is a Russian spy who wants to help Trump, right?

Congratulations to these ghouls for being ashamed of public affiliation with (but not private support for) Donald Trump.

Well, not to be too on the nose but a lot of us should probably read some more Marx and buckle up.

Sure, but the racists are out now saying the dude was scared for his life and that's why he plowed through a crowd of people. You really don't get anywhere with legal arguments in these situations.

Too bad she's married to sentient skin tag Mitch McConnell.

Yes, we all know that's a huge problem. Antifa saying the clerk at Arby's was a Nazi when he just forgot to give them extra horsey sauce was a step too far.

Yes, Nazis = People fighting Nazis. Great stuff there, big guy.

Actually, he is wrong. Also, buddy, do me a favor while you're here and and fill my hole.

I believe the Discourse-approved terminology is "stoking racial tensions."

I mean, this didn't exactly come out of nowhere. The old order is collapsing, our democratic institutions are threadbare where they aren't entirely in tatters, our history of white supremacy has never actually been addressed since we've opted to put a fresh coat of paint over the rot instead of actually trying to

We've found it, the worst imaginable take.

There's a contingent of MSNBC-type liberals who have been smearing the Bernie/left flank of the Democratic party as "the Alt-Left" for at least a year now. Fuck anyone who uses this bullshit term.

Holy shit, put some spoiler tags on that.