
Good thing the middle class is vanishing before our eyes! Seriously, just quit. You don't really get US politics as well as you think.

Seriously, did you forget that Trump was bashing the rich and free trade basically the entire campaign? That, combined with strategic race baiting, is enough in a hollowed-out democracy like ours.

Did you know that tainted municipal water systems and persistent homelessness are huge problems that neither political party is making efforts to address in the US? Really makes you think.

No, because elected Democrats are generally too busy not doing anything meaningful for their constituents to post online.

No, it's literally the only reason. At the time it was covered by some "too far left" bullshit that was totally undercut when, in the next breath, the same people said "It's not like Perez and Ellison don't agree on 95% of the issues."

Well, popular media figures and some of the DNC faithful have been going pretty hard on that lately for sure. But have we really forgotten that Tom Perez was drafted to give people an alternative to Keith Ellison for DNC chair for literally no reason besides that Ellison pissed people off by associating with Bernie

Hmm, it's almost like that had more to do with Trump winning than Bernie voters discouraging the Democratic base from turning out.

Ya'll are full of shit.

No, you're right, now they're busy tarring anyone who criticizes Kamala Harris or Corey Booker from the left with accusations of racism.

"Hmm, corporations are posting record profits while wages continue to stagnate and economic mobility becomes a distant memory. If only there were some kind of political message in there….Well, guess we should announce how excited we are that the Dow hit 22,000!"

Agreed, its reputation is based mostly on the fact that it doesn't taste like someone boiled shredded tires and pennies.

He will be fired six days in for agreeing with Trump about how beautiful Ivanka's legs are.

Well, Madoff went to jail, but then again he stole so much money that he couldn't play it off as some kind of esoteric (but above-board) investment scheme.

Sure. Dramatize.

This bot understands me at the basic level of !au298d:

I'm absolutely going to instruct my children that the Pledge is horseshit and that they shouldn't say it.

It gets better: the only kids who don't say the pledge are generally Jehovah's Witnesses, who are already thought of as weird and thereby discourage anyone else from considering not saying the pledge.

There is absolutely nothing creepy about a loyalty oath that school children are forced to recite on a daily basis before they understand any aspect of what they're saying.

SJW Statue of Liberty gets ANNIHILATED by @BasedKek1488 in under a minute.

Every single authoritarian is into piss or shit. Seriously, it's like a rule.