
Hold it—is it not anymore? I've been getting some looks lately and now I'm wondering if it's because I've been speaking America.

Because the meaning of life is to fill every moment with trivial garbage so the consuming emptiness doesn't become too noticeable.

Sure, and that's part of why it's fun to nitpick his work; he's just done so much great stuff over his career that his occasional missteps are pretty glaring. Plus, it's actually really interesting to see what his blind spots are when it comes to himself.

For anyone wondering, I endorse this as a completely accurate restatement of what I said.

Okay, but the jungle chase scene is so bad it seems like it can't be real in retrospect.

This is the guy who decided that Munich should end the way it did; maybe he's not the most reliable judge of his own work sometimes.

That must have been around the same time the media here was telling us about the brave Mujahideen, who would work hand-in-glove with America to fight communism and spread Western values in the face of Soviet encroachment in Afghanistan.

It really says a lot about Cincinnati that it's signal culinary achievement is a plate of piping hot diarrhea.

The more I think about it, the more it's just the damndest thing.

Love how "evil" is contrasted with "nice" for some reason

That's the kind of thing a hacky writer would try to pull, which makes it absolutely perfect for 2017.

Scaramucci is my dad.

The thing is that there is a perfectly good answer to this question that applies in literally every circumstance: Trump is a pop culture figure, ergo all pop culture news outlets must cover Trump or else the people who read those sites will be happier.

How long with that take to get with 14.4 kilobaud modem?

As if we needed more reasons to hope his career was entirely fucked, fingers crossed he goes the salacious tell-all route so he can keep his DuPont Circle townhouse.

Please, my computer is from 1993 and it can only play .wav files.

Rint Pibbles

Also, Mooch's wife filed for divorce today.

This is good. Without Ranch Pribulous, Trump doesn't really have any connection to the legislature and what little goodwill between the White House and the Hill there might be will evaporate. With any luck it will take, oh, about three years of total incompetence and failed governance before GOP legislators are

Maybe that, set design, some technical categories, and possibly screenplay or something like that.