
I've memorized that part from St. Augustine's Confessions where he talks about how ghastly the gladiator matches were and now I just quote from it at length whenever someone brings up football.

A lot of Vietnamese people would have been better off if he hadn't survived the War.

Wow, the Boy Scouts will surely do what confessing to sexual assault on a live mic could not.

Hmm, it's almost as if capitalism is bad for more reasons than just "some people are rich."

No one cuts me off before I've ruined their afternoon with an acrimonious political argument.

I liked it when he said capitalism was cancer.

I'm gonna say it's good keep wanting to murder people and going to the movies separate.

Something tells me Obama did this.

Yes, fleecing people by falsely claiming their insurance premiums have gone up is my day job.

At this rate, Aaron Carter will be Senior Advisor to President The Rock in about 20 years.

It's cool if you're a pretty, rich person, otherwise people start calling dibs on all of your organs besides your heart and liver.

The thing is that no one is either uglier or cooler-looking than Jack Elam, so it is truly a study in contrasts.

That's what I do on a hot day after I'm done mowing the lawn and before I'm hospitalized for dehydration and alcohol toxicity.

O(ut of) J(ail) For Senate!

Hell yeah motherfuckers, let's get the reality show rolling.

Texans and Orange County types.

Keith Olbermann probably gets scared of rap lyrics.

You said it yourself: it was harmless, and people get into GoT because they like harm. Serious blunder making it harmless, IMO

That's good, because I was actually going to self-immolate if I saw another picture of Ed Sheeran on GoT, but now I am can self-immolate just for the sheer love of it.

Really, the ideal arrangement is for your enemies to hate each other more than you.