
Holy shit, it is so good to see someone this cynical and calculating languish in failure when she tries to do some kind of Strategic Genius career move.

Hell, falling at all can be a real shitshow. I know a person who got dizzy while standing still on flat ground, fainted, and hit her head on a tile floor. She recovered over a period of months, but it was a horrific injury and could easily have been far worse.

Milton Friedman's cab driver is probably almost as dead as he is, which is sort of rad when you think about the transitory nature of existence and the immense mystery of time.

But has she ever tweeted a picture of herself making an obscene gesture at a tree?

Micro- and macroeconomics are fake, so the less the better.

Just think of the worst thing that can happen, make it somehow worse, and there you have a sensible way of predicting the future. So, if he runs, Kid Rock will win in a probable landslide.

I would love it if Kid Rock got elected, then insisted on being called "Senator Kid" just to prove how chill he is.

Jesus, I don't know if that's too graphic or not graphic enough.

Honestly, it kind of sounds like a lot of ostensibly legit political campaigns these days.

A formality.

They could vote for incumbent Debbie Stabenow, who is not great but, to her credit, has managed to avoid being Kid Rock since taking office.

I want to watch Kid Rock fingerbang authority.

Is that a rhetorical question?

It would fucking rule if he got elected on a platform of partying and giving the middle finger to authority.

Michiganders and Real Americans of all stripes know who.

Not to get anyone too excited, but Kid Rock says he's running for Senate in 2018.

Then now is the time to start trying to radicalize The Rock.

Smart money is on ironic pseudonym.

I defy anyone to think of a better surname than "Skiba" for a lesser-known member of Blink-182.

Thank you for highlighting that semi-interesting fact.