
It's pretty high, man. As a southwesterner, we are familiar with a baseline of low-grade despair.

You could turn it into a forum of debauchery and waste and name it Las Vegas.

Pretty sure this is just Steve Bannon' s ne'er-do-well brother.

You could guarantee they don't fall through and move to Phoenix.

"Get a bug in your butt with the Emerald Ass-Borer!" Goddammit, I will sue if you use that without attribution.

I love when conservatives say they believe in "gradual change, only when absolutely necessary," then advocate for immediately dismantling the entire welfare state and throwing out established norms they don't like.

I hear you. For what it's worth, my right-wing, Silent Generation mother believes in AGW, drives a hybrid, grows a large vegetable garden, installed solar panels for her home, etc. A lot of her friends around the same age and a little younger have pretty similar views, but they honestly have this bizarre paranoia

They are very interested in conserving their disproportionate share of wealth and power, sorry if this offends

I sort of like reframing the discussion so that "No, global warming probably won't turn the planet into a desolate sphere of kilned clay" is the good news.

Yeah, they're real assholes, and a warming climate means they can expand their range, which already takes up most of the eastern US and large parts of southeastern Canada.

emerald ash borer retire bitch

That's what I think. This is the elusive "smoking gun," and it won't do anything. Only the Pee Tape can save us now.

I mean what if no one goes to prison or loses their job.

Out of curiosity, do you think the Democratic party is too conservative, too liberal, or about right?

We can hope he dies or have a solid plan to beat him. Or both, really.

Americans have been told their entire lives about how their country's system is unique in the world and can handle any challenge that comes its way while preserving individual rights and democracy. Many have literally never been asked to consider any other possibility. Ideology is a hell of a drug.

Honestly, what are people going to think if nothing comes of this

It's terrible when people have to mortgage their homes to buy fish.

Education is always used as a stand-in for social class precisely to avoid talking about uncomfortable things like how you can be fucking dumb as shit and not know anything, but still get access to all the cool stuff poor people will never, ever know as long as you're rich.

Better start telling your kid to learn German so he can get a word-class education for nothing more than a few years of austere living in the world's most efficient technocracy.