
He just expresses himself in such a self-discrediting way that people don't notice the totally boring and tired points he makes.

Maybe Dartmouth.

I like to imagine he's so ashamed of going to U of C instead of an Ivy that his career happened.

Love how David Brooks is so far up his own ass that he thinks middlebrow shit intimidates his friends who went to state schools.

Yes, nowhere near enough red baiting going on these days.

Haha, that's a wicked burn of Hayek.

Hi, I'm a libertarian and I am going to become irrationally angry about banning snortable chocolate immediately before I rhapsodize about how good economic inequality and wage slavery are and how people are actually at their freest when they are at their most vulnerable to violence and coercion.

They're the same thing.

I will probably not see the movie stage adaptation, but I have a huge crush on Vayntrub so…I guess still nothing; it's not like being happy for good things happening to people you find attractive is in any way sensible.

When your business is words—like if you're a comedian, for instance—your words are actions. Also, quit replying to me, I sincerely don't care about what you have to say.

It sounds like you're arguing that racism is synonymous with the intentions of individuals and doesn't involve set of institutions and related social dynamics that enforce racial hierarchy. Bill Maher is an active participant in and beneficiary of racial hierarchy. As long as as he keeps riding that wave, the

I don't know. Say your criticisms more clearly and maybe we can discuss it.

At what point does saying racist things become an indicator that someone doesn't really care about not being racist?

He's a liberal racist now, but mark my words, he will be alt-right before 2020.

I see where you're coming from, but carving out space for "being disrespectful to cultural norms" surrounding racism doesn't look a lot different from the kind of reactionary racism masquerading as "free speech activism" we're seeing nowadays. In other words, "disrespecting cultural norms" is more than that when a

Okay, mea culpa. But you're right that it doesn't matter because either way he's a racist who likes the negative attention he gets for saying racism.

He said the hard "r" n-word on TV. He's a racist. He's saying racist things because that is what racists do.

Cill Bosby

Signs point to yes!

If you don't black out after an entire bottle of vodka, you must have a pretty aggressive liver.