
You forgot to type "[snorts and pushes up glasses with index finger]".

Good for him, really wishing the best for him and and his kid since his wife passed.

You could skip the punk show and get the bruises the old fashioned way: from an evening spent with a cheap bottle of vodka.

Say what you will about GG Allin, but at least he never played the Warped Tour.

As far as I'm concerned, the more people vocalizing their distaste for this the better.

Who could possibly want to watch this.

True, which is why CNN should name him so everyone knows he's a little chickenshit Nazi dork.

Gosh, who could have foreseen that the whole "fake news" thing would backfire so spectacularly?

It's clear now that her sundered career was the universe's way of balancing the scales for this shit ahead of time.

Can't bring myself to watch this, but I am pleased that it exists.

RIP Deus Ex Pharmacopeia

Love to be a musclebound, enormously famous and wealthy man who has to verbalize his opposition to non-masculine emojis (which are for children).

I don't care that much about the show, but this is the kind of fan service I think most people can get behind.

Hmm, it almost seems as if you're mad.

Can't wait for The Little Hours 2: Bad Habit.

I mean, to be fair he was nothing special compared to the assholes we usually turn out.

Go back to threatening to shoot your estranged daughter's boyfriends on facebook, or whatever it is you normally do.

Oh, absolutely. But it's just even more of an amazing thing.

For my money, it's there already.

Red deserves to be heard by way more people.