
Hmm, this show is canceled and yet no one has decided to greenlight my Dinner Dog fan fiction.

"Chemical reward" for me, as though the subjective experience of being happy is directly reducible to neurochemistry.

My friend, I have some bad news…

Talking less about his family's name than his family's means.

Love how people like Trump because he pisses people off, but at the same time need to believe for some reason that everybody likes Trump.

That's sadly the only thing they have going for them.

Also, who would win in a fight with the sun: Batman or Superman?

He's not wearing a suit! He's a slob just like the rest of us!

Yeah, but I still have to look smaller.

Briefly, but it was a temp gig.

It'll never work. I can't find a diaper that fits right and I am much bigger and different looking than most babies.

I'll give the next burger I eat a nice squeeze.

What can I do to be born into a celebrity family so people throw money at me when I become an adult?

The username/comment synergy is strong here.

Theon looks like POW Mick Jagger.

The entire reason for dumping millions of dollars and thousands of man hours into that campaign is because Hillary almost won that district. If presidential elections are so different, there was apparently not much reason to believe that district was winnable and the Democratic establishment is worse at politics than

Interesting how Ossoff fell short of matching Hillary's performance in the same district last year and we're still being told that this is actually a good sign.

Depends on how good the helmets' visibility is.

I prefer a nice high relief to this…two-dimensional entertainment.

I have never seen a movie and I won't be changing that now.