
Republicans definitely could hold him accountable, but for one reason or another they won't.

Milo Aukerman did it first and his band is way better.

We could make it really wistful.

Alien I'd
Love to

A turtle doesn't get that old by letting his guard down so that someone can flip him over.

I should also say that the whole "power move" theory for Trump saying he fired Comey for being mean to Hillary is much less likely than Trump genuinely believing no one can remember anything from before yesterday and being completely unfamiliar with the concept of personal integrity.

I'm afraid there's nothing quite ready to leak, but if the FBI investigation gets killed end they may as well let some crusty journalists in the loop and let them take it from there.

For sure, but those kind of things tend to hit bottom. I guess I'm just wondering what that will look like.

The shame of it is that whenever he feels threatened, McConnell draws his head and extremities into his nearly-impenetrable shell where predators cannot easily reach.

I am as cynical and think as little of them as the next man, but truly, how much more of this kind of thing can Republicans actually take?

Even if you set out to use neutral, evenhanded terms, you still have to describe a truly repellent person.

The ones who care enough to form little bands to come over here and troll aren't going to change their minds. As for the rest of the country: well, look at Trump's favorables. It's getting brutal.

I mean, entire books have been written on the subject, so yeah.

He thinks a dog is just a person who does the things he's thinking about.

Mike Huckabee is all our dads.

What's pornographic about a stick of—ah, I see the problem.

We are truly living in a time that is beyond parody.

Honestly, that's what I found so weird. I have never heard the expression "choke like a dog," so he sounds peculiarly like someone who tortures dogs for entertainment.

I'm not sure how that's defensible when hard salami exists.

An interesting thing I learned today is that Donald Trump invented the well-known phrase "priming the pump" a couple days ago.