
Monocles were outlawed in middle America when the rumor that they were invented by a Frenchman took root in 2002.

Hey, how do you feel about Trump suddenly being okay with giving undocumented immigrants amnesty?

I expect they'll be the most successful sequels of all time without my knowing a single person who saw them.

[Avatar 2-4 make a combined $1 trillion at the box office]

My riven Jeep

I dunno. Paul Ryan seems to be fueled entirely by intense hatred for the poor.

I dunno. Paul Ryan seems to be fueled entirely by intense hatred for the poor.

The rest of his vocabulary fell out of the holes bored through his brain by neurosyphilis.

I love how the fact that millions of people grossing over $70k a year protesting would definitely show up in the economic data has not occurred to these lobotomized degenerates.

Not someone, but someones and they're constantly fighting with each other so none of them get their way.

I quit my job as CFO at a successful regional restaurant chain to become a paid protester and it was the best choice of my life.

Username/comment synergy off the charts with this one.

I have discovered that in vivid detail this winter, during which I have had about 2 nonconsecutive weeks of not being sick.

Children of Men

My nightmares are amateurish and heavy-handed, so I guess this fits the bill.

Tapes are really more like a souvenir for the most part since you generally get a digital download with them. Besides, functioning tape decks are pretty easy to find at a thrift store or the back of your parents' closet.

I thought maybe it was just some kind of motion blur effect, then I watched the gif on repeat and became increasingly frightened.

Some would say too large.

To be fair, Bill Paxton was credited as "Bill Pullman (II)" in that film.

Hey, the Dude accomplished none of the things he never set out to do, and that's a kind of success.